Chapter 31 PT 1

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Chapter 31

Part one

"Charlie right?" The tall dark haired man towered over me, much like his son.

"Yes." I frowned.

"No need to be so defensive"he grinned. It was a fake smile I could tell. Sarcasm laced his statement.

"Harry's not here. So-"

"I know he's at school. For once." He narrowed his eyes."May I come in?" He stepped past me before I could answer.

"Sure" I rolled my eyes.

"Your apartment is...charming" he looked around. At the moment the living room was a little unorganized. It had been a long week. Lo's books were still on the floor. A few of mine near the couch. Hell at least our furniture matched. We were college students for crying out loud.

"Thanks. Look Harry should-"

"Be here by 1. I know his schedule"

"How did you know which apartment I was in?" His presence was starting to annoy me. The fact that he knew where I lived annoyed me even more.

"I have my ways" he finally faced me again.

"Ok whatever. Why are you here?" I crossed my arms.

"We had a bit of a rough start didn't we?" He smiled.

"You called me a gold digger."

"Right well-"

"And slutty" I raised my brow.

"I did. Sorry about that" I could tell his apology was bullshit. The amusement in his eyes making it meaningless. " Look I just wanted to invite you and Harry to my hotel on Thanksgiving. I figured we could all have dinner. Maybe get to know each other."

"You and I or you and Harry" I snorted.

"Excuse me? What is that suppose to mean?" He narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing. I'll tell him you stopped by" I moved towards the door.

"I know my son very well. Enough to know that he thinks he's in love with you. He's not though, he likes the idea of having you on his arm. Your attractive. I'm assuming smart, but I'm not convinced just yet." He smirked.

"Go to hell! Get out of my apartment!" I was fuming. How dare he come here just to insult me again. I pulled the door open.

"You know I see why he likes you." He stopped just outside the door, turning to me.

"Why?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're feisty. He likes a challenge. I bet you put up a real good fight." His eyes ran over me, making me uncomfortable. "Then again maybe you didn't" he smirked.

Did he just call me easy? Again!

"Well I see why he hates you. So we both learned something"

"You little bi-" he started.

"I doubt we will make it on Thursday. Thanks for the invite. Prick" I closed the door in his face. I immediately grabbed my phone. Pulling up a new text for Harry.

Are you coming home soon?

On my way actually why?

Your dad was just here..

What? Why?

We can talk when you get here :(

Ok be there in 5.

I tossed my phone on the couch. Sitting down I covered my face with both hands. Letting out a very frustrated scream.

When Harry arrived I told him what happen.

"God he's such a dick!" He paced back and forth.

"Stop pacing"

"You know he's just mad that I found someone I love and he will be a lonely asshole for the rest of his life" he continued to pace.

"Babe! Please stop pacing" I stood up stopping him.

"I'm sorry he just infuriates me" he tugged at his hair.

"Stop! I wasn't trying to upset you. I just wanted you to know what happen"

"Ill go on Thursday. Just me. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind. He thinks he knows me but he's going to find out that he actually doesn't"

"Is that necessary?" I raised my brow.

"No but it might make me feel better" he frowned.

"We can have a nice quiet week. Just you and I. I'll cook for you..." I smiled. Placing a kiss on his frowned lips.

"I knew you wanted to make me dinner" he smirked.

"Does frozen pizza count?" I teased.

"I'll eat...anything" he pecked my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I bet you will" I laughed tangling my lips with his. Slowly pulling away after a moment. "We should go grocery shopping"

"You can. I don't grocery shop."

"Oh really? Well I guess you won't eat anything" I teased.

"Baby please don't make me go" he whined.

"Your choice" I backed away.

"Fine" he frowned.

"You drive" I laughed.

The drive was long. That was one thing I hated about NY. I didn't like that I had to drive an hour just to find a decent grocery store. Traffic was a pain.

"Get a cart babe" he sighed but grabbed one. We made our way to the deli section..

"Turkey or Ham?" I tapped my fingers on my chin.

"Food." He stated.

"You're no help" I frowned.

"I tried to warn you" the smirk I loved appearing.

"Ham. I like it better" I pointed to the one I wanted and he picked it up, placing it in the cart.

"What sides do you like?"


"Harold you're making my life difficult" I pouted.

"I try" he kissed my cheek before turning on to an isle.

"Watch it! ..well look who we have here"

We both looked up. Harry noticeably tensed.

"You have to be fucking kidding me"
Harry glared.

"Let's go " I tugged his arm.

"Yea do what she says" he smiled.

"Stop Liam. Harry let's go." I pulled his arm.

"How's your face?"

"Fuck you! I could kick your ass any fuckin day Styles"

"Here I am." Harry started too move around the cart.

"No. Harry stop. It's what he wants"

"No babe not quite what I want...but I'll get it" Liam smirked.

Harry jumped towards him, but Liam stepped back.

"Temper temper." He teased.

"If I catch you anywhere near her-"

"You'll what?" Liam snapped back.

"Stay the fuck away from her" Harry growled.

"Harry babe please just ignore him"I turned his face towards me. "Please"

"Down boy" Liam laughed.

"Liam just stop! What do you want from us? Huh? Why do you keep harassing us? What did we do to deserve the bullshit we receive from you?" I was moving towards him myself.

"You will find out soon enough" he walked past us knocking Harry with his shoulder.

"Let's just go" Harry stated dryly.

"No. I'm sick of him ruining everything. I want to finish shopping so I don't have to come out again"

"Charlie I swear if I stay in this store I'm going to find him and beat his fucking face in"

"No you're not. If you can't control yourself then wait in the car" I pushed the cart down the isle. I heard him sigh, before the sound of his boots behind me let me know he was still here.

Three days into our break, we had done absolutely nothing. Harry had took it upon himself to hide all my pants. Forcing me to only walk around in t-shirts. I wasn't impressed with his game so I hid all of his clothes except his boxer briefs. It backfired when he was completely ok with it. It was entertaining to watch him walk around more than half naked. We laid around watching movies and eating any creation he came up with. I refused to cook since i'd be making our holiday dinner. We found other silly ways to entertain ourselves by the fourth day. I was now a pro at bad knock knock jokes. Harry however was struggling with the one task I had given him.

"Hold still"

"I am"

"I think I've got it this time"

"Better! You're making my head hurt"

"Shhh I'm concentrating"

"Harry it's not-"


He was absolutely ridiculous. Why I taught him how to braid I will never know. He was determined to finish the braid he had started 30 minutes ago.

"Ok give me one of those black bands"

"It's a hair tie"

"Right. Give it to me"

He twisted it around the end of my hair, before finally releasing me.

"Ok go look. It's not bad"

I made my way to the bathroom. The lopsided braid rested over my shoulder.

"Yea babe don't ever go into hairdressing" I pulled the hair tie out and ran my fingers through the tangled mess he created. I walked back to the living room, twisting my hair into a high bun.

"What have you done? I worked really hard on that braid" he pulled his eyebrows together in a frown.

"Harry it looked like I let a four year old do it" I laughed.

"I'm five thank you very much"

"I'm sorry but if I had left it I would have had to cut all my hair off to get that mess out"

"We could of been twins" he smiled.

"How bout no"

"Tell the car one again" he took his bottom lip between his teeth.

"No Harry it's not funny" I whined.

"Come on love please" he begged.

"Knock knock" I rolled my eyes.

"Whose there?" He was fighting a smile.


"Cargo who?"

"No. Car go beep beep" I stated dryly.

He fell over on the couch. Laughter ripping through him. I think I saw him wipe a tear from his eye.

"Babe it's not even funny" I stood with my hands on my hips.

His face was buried in the couch pillows.

"Harry seriously?"

He finally sat up, the last few chuckles escaping his lips.

"Are you done?" I stared blankly at him.

"That's a really good joke. I'll have to tell Niall that one" he smiled.

"Poor Niall. I can only imagine the terrible jokes he has had to endure" I sighed.

"He loves my jokes."he frowned.

"Doubt it" I snorted.

"Well as freeing as it is walking around with no clothes. Can I please have at least a hoody back?"

"Give me my pants back and we can discuss it" I stood in front of him.

"But I like looking at your legs" he reached out, running his finger tips up the side of my thighs.

"And I like looking at your...everything" I smacked his hands down.

"My everything is cold though" he covered his nipples with his fingers.

"What about me? My legs are freezing!"

"We can keep each other warm then." He reached out, grabbing my long t-shirt. Pulling me down so I straddled his lap.

"Harry! Just give me my pants" I pouted.

"Kiss me"

"No" I frowned.

"Kiss me" he whined.

I covered my mouth.

"Come on baby don't be that way" he pouted.

I shook my head no.

"Well I guess I'll just trash those horrible green converse nex-"

"No you wo-"

He crashed his lips into mine. I only kissed him for a second, before pulling away.

"I win" he smirked.


"God I love this position" he growled in my ear.

"Hmm do ya now?" I laughed.

"Give me my clothes" he purred.

"Give me my pants" I challenged.

A buzzing was heard from the table next to the couch.

Can you reach my phone?" He sighed.

I leaned over grabbing the device.

"Oh fuck. What does he want?" He threw his head back. A frustrated sigh before he hit the answer button. "What?..yes she told me you came by" he rolled his eyes. "No we won't be there" I climbed off his lap. He attempted to hold on to my shirt in protest. I pulled away walking to the kitchen."No i'd rather not...because I'm with Charlie."

I grabbed a soda from the fridge. Popping the tab I brought the can to my lips. Harry appeared in the door way the phone still attached to his ear.

"Dad there's nothing else to talk about." He held the bridge of his nose. "Fine. Fuck! Give me thirty minutes!" He smashed his thumb on the end key. A deep growl escaping his lips as he slammed the side of his fist into the wall.

"Yes beat up my kitchen wall. That will show him" I raised my brow.

"He threatened to stop paying my rent if we don't come on Thursday" he ran a hand over his face.

"What? But we have plans!" I was more than a little irritated.

"I know but what am I suppose to do?" He looked at me.

"What's in thirty minutes?" I crossed my arms.

"He wants me to come by his hotel" he leaned against the wall. Long fingers tugging at the messy brown curls.

"Why?" I frowned.

"I don't know he wants to talk or some shit" he sighed.

"Hmm well have fun with that" I walked past him.

"Come with me" he followed.

"No thank you! I've had enough of your dad to last me a life time" I joked. Walking to my bedroom, I laughed at the suggestion.

"Well I don't want to leave you here alone" worry laced his words. He turned me around. Sliding his arms around my waist.

"Harry what do you think I did before you were around?" I almost laughed again.

"Sat wondering when I would come into your life?" He grinned.

"I can be alone it's ok" I gave in to the smile i'd been fighting.

"Well I'd rather you just come with me." He rested his forehead against mine.

"Or I could clean up and look for my old game of twister for us to play when you come back" I wiggled my eyebrows. He pulled back from our embrace.

"I'm canceling with my dad right now" he turned to head out of the room. I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me.

"No you're not" I laughed.

"Fine but I'll only be gone an hour. So search fast" he pecked my lips. "I might also need my clothes" he smirked.

"Uhhh this is so not fair" I sighed.

"Where are they?" He laughed.

"In my dresser" I stated frowning.

"Your dresser? You mean all this time they were right here?" He walked over opening the top drawer.

"Yep" I chewed my bottom lip.

"That's the worst hiding place ever" he shook his head.

"Well you didn't think to look there now did you?" I raised my brow.

"Touché" he pulled out a pair of his black jeans and his red flannel shirt.

After a quick shower and getting dressed, he grabbed his phone and keys.

"An hour?"

"Yes thirty minutes if it goes my way" he leaned down planting a kiss on my lips before opening the front door.

"I love you hurry back" I smiled.

"I love you too and I will!" he pulled the door closed.

I started picking up the living room. Straightening the couch pillows, and placing all the DVDs we had pulled out back on the shelf. I pulled up iTunes on my lap top and let the sounds of Tori Kelly fill the apartment. After washing the dishes and cleaning my bedroom I was done. I attempted to locate my missing pants, but came up empty handed. He was good at hiding things he didn't want found. I checked the time and laughed to myself. It had been half an hour and Harry wasn't back. Guess it didn't go the way he planned. I laid on the couch. Racking my brain of possible places my pants could be. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a pounding at the door. I jumped up slowly making my way over. Maybe it was Harry trying to be funny. I looked through the peephole. The hall looked empty. Backing away from the door, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

I started to turn back to the living room, when the door rattled under the force of the pounding again.

"Whose there?" I don't know why I expected them to answer. When they didn't I felt the lump in my throat.

I needed to call Harry. I ran back to the living room. Grabbing my phone from the couch and pressing his name as soon as it turned on.

"Hey" He sounded annoyed.

"Babe when will you be back?" I tried to keep the trimmer in my voice from alarming him.

"He took a call in the middle of our talk. So I've just been sitting here for 15 minutes"

"Oh." I felt the tears sting the back of my eyes.

"Why what's wrong?" He breathed into the phone.

"Um nothing. I'm just being silly" I tried to convince myself more than him that, that was the truth.

"Charlie whats going on?" Any hint of annoyance was now gone. His tone much more serious.

"Whoever was banging on the door the other night...I think they are back" I felt the first tear escape down my cheek.

"What? Don't open the door!" He stammered.

"I'm not stupid Harry. Of course I won't open the door!" I snapped into the phone.

"To late" I felt my blood run cold at the sound of a male voice behind me. I slowly turned around my eyes meeting dark brown ones. "You really should lock your door"

"Charlie is someone there?" I heard Harry's voice come through the phone as it slipped from my hand, crashing to the floor.

"What are you doing here?" My voice small and timid.

He leaned down picking up my phone. I could hear Harry yelling my name.

"She'll have to call you back"he grinned.

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