Chapter 30

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~Ok I really want a new cover for This story. I was scrolling through other fanfics and noticed several with the same picture just a different tittle. I'm not very creative or I would do it myself lol. If you know anybody that could help me it would be greatly appreciated!!!! I could give them a shout out on Instagram or something! :) ~

Chapter 30

"So what are you and Harry doing for Thanksgiving break?"

"I don't know. We actually hadn't talked about it" I was laying on the couch flipping channels. Lo sat in the recliner typing a paper. Told her not to wait till the last minute.

"Hmm Niall is going home for the week" the disappointment clear in her voice.

"Oh yea? When does he leave?" I stopped on MTV's teen mom.

"Tomorrow night" she sighed. It was a week from thanksgiving. I had finished my projects earlier in the week, and got a jump start on break. Harry and Lo managed to wait until the week everything was due to start working on it. I hadn't seen him since Tuesday due to his last minute cramming. Apparently I was his distraction.

"Why don't you go with him?" I joked.

"He asked me to but I turned him down..."

I sat up looking at her.

"Niall asked you to go to Ireland with him? And you said No?" I tried not to sound as shocked as I felt. I was curious to know what would keep her from going with him.

"I don't know. It was right after we got back together. He went on and on about how he didn't want to be without me and asked me to go. I told him I didn't think we should rush things or move to fast. Now I regret it.." She continued typing.

"Wow well maybe you can get a last minute flight" I half smiled.

"Doubt it."

"Aww I'm sorry babe" how awful. Lo's family would be in Florida for the holiday week. She hated that trip and had managed to get out of it every year with an excuse about school. She hated her moms family. She said they were to uptight.

"Well my parents are both working over the holiday so I will be here. Probably laying in this same spot."

I laughed at the thought of watching teen mom and eating a frozen pizza. I was not in the holiday spirit this year. I just wanted to relax and do nothing. I do wonder what Harry had planned. I pulled out my phone sending him a text.

Hey babe what are you doing for Thanksgiving.

filling out job apps for McDonalds if I don't finish this assignment.

Haha procrastination is a beautiful thing isn't it?

Shut up!

But really what are you doing?

I don't know. I hadn't planned on anything.

So you're not going home?

I would love to see my mum..but I can't go back right now.

Oh ok just checking...

Aww are you going to cook me Thanksgiving dinner ;)

Not a chance!

Well fine you're obviously not thankful for having me!

So dramatic haha

And you're insulting me too!

Stop being so sensitive Styles!

Well excuse me grinch!

Wrong holiday ;)

Shut up! I'll come up when I'm done.

Ok love you my little procrastinator :P

Love you too ;)

I finished the episode of teen mom. Lo was nodding off in her chair.

"Go to bed! Just get up early in the morning" I tossed a couch pillow at her.

"No I need to finish! I'll just listen to music or something" she pulled her headphones out of her bag.

"Well goodnight. Oh Harry should be coming up soon. Im going to take a shower let him in please" I smiled.

"Just give him a key or something. He comes up here almost every night" she rolled her eyes.

"Give Niall a key then!" I shot back.

"I plan to for Christmas" she laughed.

"Let him in please" I whined.

"Fine. I will, now get away from me!" She pushed her headphones in one ear.

I grabbed my towel and clothes. I turned the shower on letting the water get hot before undressing.

Harry's POV

"I'm sorry mum. I know I said I would try but maybe for Christmas or spring break" my connection was starting to go out. I hadn't skyped with her in over a month.

"Harry I want to see you in person. I've forgotten how tall you were and you look like you have lost weight. Are you eating enough?"

I rolled my eyes. She worried to much.

"I'm eating fine. This last week has been stressful though, lots of assignments due"

"Have you told your father that you switched majors?"

"No and I don't plan to. Did you know he was coming here?"

"He's there? Right now?"

"Yea he showed up two weeks ago. He insulted Charlie and told me how I have to go back to London and-"

"You are coming back to London though right?" Her tone had changed. She sounded slightly panicked. I wasn't ready for this conversation yet.

"I mean I planned to...but I...I don't know mum. Charlie and I are only getting closer and I...I love her"

I could tell her eyes were watering. Either she was sad that I was thinking about staying or happy I found someone I cared about. I hoped for the latter.

"Harry I'm so proud of you honey. You know that right?"

"Yea mum" I smiled.

"This girl she really makes you happy huh?" Her smile confirmed my thoughts.

"She does" I tried to fight the smile.

"Well as long as you are happy baby that's all that matters"

"Thank you."

"For what honey?"

"For being supportive. I don't know, dad freaked out. You know how he is." I rolled my eyes.

"Your father is a good man at heart. He just doesn't know how to show it sometimes. He loves you Harry. I know he does" she tried to convince both of us.

"Yea well he has a very funny way of showing it. He called her a gold digger and a tramp. I was so furious"

"Oh Harry I'm so sorry" she shook her head. Those were only a few of the names he called her before he left.

"I hit him too.."I looked away from the screen. I didn't want to see the disappointment on her face.

"Harry! You know you can't do that. You were raised better than that." The hurt in her voice instantly made me feel like shit. I knew I shouldn't have told her.

"You don't understand mum he said those things to her and-"

"Harry you are better than that. You are better than him. Don't let him bring you down to his level. You still have to respect him as your father. Stand up to him but don't become him"

"What is that suppose to mean?" I felt the anger building.

"Nothing. I shouldn't have said anything" she looked away from the computer.

"Mum has dad hit you before?"

"It was a life time ago Harry. He didn't mean it but he let his anger get the best of him. I just don't want you to get in to the same habit"

I couldn't believe my dad had hit my mum. I wished I knew where he was staying i'd love to finish what I started two weeks ago.

"Harry please don't say anything about this to him" she pleaded.
If she really didn't want me too, I wouldn't.

"I won't" I frowned. "I need to go I was suppose to be at Charlie's by now"

"Ok baby. I love you"

"I love you too talk to you later"

I closed the lap top. Not the conversation I was expecting to have. I needed to head to Charlie's. I was now physically and mentally exhausted.

Charlie's POV

I pulled the t-shirt over my head. My hair hung in wet waves over my shoulder. I exited the bathroom, the small lamp in the living room was still on. Lo was knocked out in the chair. I knew she wouldn't finish. I checked the front door. It was locked. Maybe Harry fell asleep too. I Walked to my room still trying to dry my hair with the towel. I hit the light and was surprised by Harry sleeping on my bed. I closed the door and climbed in next to him. He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to his chest.

"The bathroom door was locked" he mumbled into my hair.

"Sorry I didn't know you were going to join me" I laughed.

"I always want to join you..but I really just need to piss and brush my teeth" the bed shook under his movements as he got up.

"Hurry back you were warm" I pulled the covers up to my chin.

"Of course love" he slipped out of the room. I heard the bathroom door close. I tried going to sleep but a loud banging was heard on the front door. I sat up.

"Lo is that Niall?" I called but she didn't answer.

I whined getting out of bed. The banging started again. Much louder and harder. I slowly walked to the living room. She was still knocked out. Headphones going.

Looking through the peephole, I didn't see anyone. I was not opening the door.

"Harry?" I called for him, backing away from the door. The bathroom door opened and a shirtless Harry stepped out.

"What's wrong?" He walked over turning me to him.

"Someone was banging on the door, but when I looked no one is out there."

He frowned and reached for the handle.

"No! What are you crazy?" I smacked his hand away.

"I'm checking for people in the hall" he reached for it again.

"No! Harry, let them stay out there if they are"

"Love I'm just checking to make sure it's not someone pranking us ok?"

"Harry please don't open it" I whined.

He sighed and pulled me to his chest.

"Fine. But if someone comes in here and tries to take you, I'll let them have you." he smirked.

I gasped and he scooped me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm just kidding. They would have to get through me" he smiled.

He carried me back to the bedroom.
I was sat on the bed and he hit the lights, before climbing under the covers. I laid on my back starring at the ceiling. He rested on his side looking at me.

"What?" I smiled.

"Nothing I just like looking at you. You're beautiful"

I was so thankful the only source of light came from the streetlights outside my window. My cheeks were on fire. His complements always did this to me. He leaned down kissing me gently. I held on to the back of his neck as it deepened. He rested his hand on my hip, caressing the visible skin between my shirt and shorts. I pulled him closer so his top half was over me, but he broke the kiss.

"Slow down love I'm not going anywhere" amusement in his tone.

I bit my lip. He didn't realize how much I enjoyed kissing him. Or even being near him in general. He was different. Much different than Alex. I needed to tell him that. I still had not explained my past but I would. I had to. For him and me. I was brought out of my thoughts when he connected our lips again. I hooked my leg between his, bringing us closer. His hand slid up my shirt. Rough hands travelled over my skin.
We were interrupted when the loud banging from earlier returned. Harry's head snapped up.

"Shit!" I jumped when it continued.

"What the fuck!" Harry climbed out of bed. I jumped up and was right behind him.

"No stay here Charlie" he warned.

"No Harry-"

The banging started again.

"Please just stay here" he frowned.

"Ok well get the bat from the hall closet." I compromised.

"Fine" he walked into the dark hall.

I heard him fumbling in the closet.

"Where is it?" He whispered.

I walked into the hall and pushed him out of the way.

"I said stay in the room"

"Here" I handed him the bat.

The banging started again. He walked past the living room. Lo was still asleep. I turned the light off next to her. Harry looked out of the peephole.

"I don't see anybody" he whispered.

He slowly unlocked the bolt lock. He pulled the door open and looked out.

"Hello? Is somebody out here?" No one responded.

"Harry come back inside please." I begged.

He sighed and stepped back in. The door was closed and the lock set back into place.

"Should I wake her up I don't want to just leave her in here . Especially with someone banging on the door every five minutes."

"I can put her in her room" Harry offered.

"Yea ok let me get her computer."

I picked up the device. Saving her work before shutting it off. Harry picked her up. No wonder she was exhausted. The paper she had been working on was twenty six pages in. I was surprised Niall had not come by tonight. I gathered her stuff as Harry took her to her room. I met him in the hall, and we walked back to the bedroom.

"So where were we..." He was behind me, pulling me to his chest.

"Babe I just want to sleep. Whoever keeps banging on the door has me on edge." I whined.

"Ok let's go to sleep, but I could take that edge off.." He whispered in my ear. I laughed climbing in bed, as he scooted in behind me.

"If I find out who is doing that I'm going to kick their ass"

"Ok" I laughed.

The next morning I woke up before Harry as usual. I decided to get us breakfast. So I threw on jeans and a sweatshirt, before heading to the coffee shop near by. When I got back I heard the shower running.

"Lo just come with me! Please!" I sat the bagels and juice down on the kitchen counter. I walked over to the hall listening to the conversation being had in her room. I know I shouldn't eves drop but..

"I can't I have some family things I have to do."

Liar. What was going on with her. She had just told me last night that she wanted to go.

"Babe I have the ticket. You don't have to worry about anything"

"Niall I can't ok. Please just stop asking" he walked out of the room and I pretended like I was walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey Charlie" disappointment taking over his usual cheerful demeanor.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"I don't know. I thought Lo and I were doing good, but she refuses to go to Ireland with me. I just feel like she is hiding something or I don't know. I should just go, I still need to pack"

"Hey don't give up yet. I'll talk to her" I smiled.

"Really? Charlie if you can talk her into going I would owe you big time you have no idea" he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Ok ease up champ." He released me quickly.

"Sorry you just don't know what this would mean to me" he blushed.

"Well I'll do what I can now go pack"

He smiled and walked out. I walked to Lo's room, knocking before opening the door.

"Hey" I smiled.

"Um hey Charlie" she tried hiding the tears I had already noticed.

"What's going on?" I walked over as she made her bed.

"Oh nothing we just had an argument" she half smiled.

"I heard Lo" her eyes met mine for a small second, before she tried blinking away more tears.

"Why won't you go? You just said last night that you wanted to"

"You wouldn't understand Charlie" She turned away.

"I would if you gave me the chance to" I walked over to the side of the bed she was on. "Tell me. Why don't you want to go?" I eyed her. She loved vacations almost as much as fashion. Why would she turn Niall down? Especially if she knew she wanted to go.

"Because it's to much" she sighed.

"Too much?"

"Yes going to Ireland with him is overwhelming. I want to go I do, but what if his family hates me. What if I hate them. I don't know if I'm even ready to meet his family. It's just too fucking much" she rattled off each response so fast. I didn't have time to reply, before she started again. "I can't go to Ireland Charlie. I'm fat and I don't have anything to wear-"

"Ok stop right there. One his family would love you. Is there anybody that has ever been able to resist your charm?"


"And you know if you love Niall you would love his family. He's an amazing guy. He treats you better than any other asshole you brought to the dorm that's for sure. Yes both of you have made mistakes but nobody is perfect! If you go in with a negative attitude nothing good will come of it. Lastly you're so far from fat that I want to punch you for even saying it! Get yourself together. You are going with him and these insecurities you are having can take a backseat to your happiness for now. You will hate yourself if you don't go with him. I know it and you know it"

"Well damn tell me how you really feel Char!" She frowned.

"I just did" I glared at her.

"Well I don't even have anything-"

"Stop making excuses. I'll pack your shit for you. Go tell Niall you're going"

"But I -"

"Go!" I pointed to the door.

She nodded and quickly walked away. What was I going to do with her? I shook my head. Since when was she afraid of falling in love. That's all this was. She was scared of the commitment that would come with meeting his family. I pulled her suitcase out and started folding clothes that I knew she would not leave without. After 15 minutes I heard the bathroom door open, and Harry walked past the room. He backed up after noticing me on the floor.

"Love what are you doing?"

"Packing" I sighed.

"Yea I see. Why are you packing Lo's clothes?" He walked in kneeling in front of me.

"She's going to Ireland with Niall. She had a melt down and wasn't going to go. I told her to go talk to him while I packed for her"

"Oh. Well do you need any help?" He looked around at the shoes and dresses strewn across the floor.

"No babe I got this but there are bagels and juice in the kitchen"


"With strawberry cream cheese" I smiled.

"I love you" he pecked my lips.

"I love you too! Save me some cream cheese" he stood up walking out of the room.

After I finished packing her suitcase I wheeled it to the living room. Harry was watching tv on the couch. I grabbed my juice from the kitchen and half of my bagel he had already prepared. I plopped down on the opposite end and rested my feet in his lap. He looked down at them and then at me.

"Comfy?" He raised his brow.

"Yep" I beamed.

"If I put my feet on your lap you would flip shit. Especially if you were eating" he laughed.

"That's because your feet are disgusting" I batted my lashes.

"You're a bully" he rested his arm across my ankles.

"What time do you have class?"

"Noon but I'll be back by one. I just have to turn in this paper" he yawned.

He flipped through the channels, and I felt myself nodding off again. I removed my feet from his lap and crawled over to him. Laying my head on his shoulder.

"Hold on sit up" I did and he stretched out on the couch. I cuddled up to him and he put his arm around me to hold us in place.

"Better?" I laughed.

"Much" he closed his eyes. I watched as he drifted off to sleep. Paying close attention to his features. His hair was still damp from his shower. I brushed the curls out of his face. He visibly relaxed at my touch, I kissed his nose. I was excited to spend thanksgiving with him. Just the two of us. I buried my face in his neck. Taking in the strong scent of his body wash. Within a few short minutes I had joined him in sleep.

When I woke up Harry was gone. I looked around and noticed I was in my bedroom. He must have moved me. I got up stretching and walked out to the living room. Lo was on the phone.

"I know mom it's a last minute trip for school. I wish I could come to." She rolled her eyes. "You will have to skype me in or something, phone calls are way to expensive. Ok I love you bye!" She stuffed her phone in her pocket.

"Got everything?"

"Yes!" She beamed.

"Good be safe. Have fun. Don't talk to strangers-"

"Oh shut up and give me a hug" she laughed.

I hugged her. Almost not wanting to let go. She was my best friend and going a week without her would be awful.

"I'll miss you" I sighed. She released me. A smirk on her lips when I looked at her.

"Doubt that. You and Harry having this place and his to yourselves for a week. I'll be lucky if I come back and your not pregnant" she teased.

"Don't even joke about that." I smacked her arm.

Neither Harry or I were remotely ready to have children. I immediately thought about teen mom. I may no longer be a teen, but the thought of being a mother before I was old enough to legally drink was not in the least bit appealing.

"Well keep those legs closed or make sure he wraps it up" she winked. What was with everybody winking at me.

"Please stop with the baby talk your making me nauseous." I laughed.

"Well our flight leaves at 6. We have a few errands to run. I guess this is it until next weekend some time"

"You're going to make me cry stop" I whined.

"Well I love you. Enjoy break, and enjoy being one hundred percent alone with your man" she smiled.

"Good luck meeting the parents" I teased.

"Don't remind me. I'm stressed enough" she frowned.

"You will be fine. Now go!"

She grabbed her suitcase and headed out the door. I locked it behind her and looked around at my empty apartment. I was lost without her already. The thought of going to the gym crossed my mind, so I walked to my room. Grabbing my shorts I made my way towards the bathroom when I heard a knock.

Maybe Lo forgot something. As I passed the kitchen, I saw her keys sitting on the table.

"Coming!! I know what you forgot" I yelled. I grabbed them and jogged over to the door.

"Forgetting things already?" I opened the door but Lo was not who I saw. "What are you doing here?"

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