Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

"Your sister?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Half sister to be exact.."

"You let me introduce you to each other Harry! I must have looked like an idiot" I covered my face feeling the same embarrassment I would of felt if I had found out back then.

"No Charlie it's ok." He tried to comfort me.

"Ok? Harry you have a sister! That might have been trying to kill me today I'm still not sure!" I stood from the table. His pacing was his worst habit and he was passing it on to me.

"Maybe we should talk about it later. You had a long day and I don't want you getting upset and -"

"No! We will finish talking about it now." I crossed my arms leaning against the counter.

"Ok...what else do you want to know?" He ran his hands through the front of his messy hair.

"Everything Harry!" I snapped.

"My dad sent her here to get me back to London. Basically that night when we got back from L.A. He said I had to choose you or jail"

"Jail?" I was confused.

"Remember I put the trip on his credit card... Well he said if I didn't come back to London he would report it stolen which in return would get me arrested and-"

"Ok Harry. I get it." My head was starting to hurt.

"So I told him I broke up with you. I also told him I would come back to London"

"So that's why you told me that? Do you know how much it hurt me hearing you say you wanted to go back? That you were going to leave me! That I couldn't come!" I was getting more upset by the minute.

"Charlie please let's finish this conversation tomorrow I don't want you getting upset baby please" he stood walking over to me.

"Don't Harry" I frowned.

This day was hell. Yes I was happy that Buzz was ok. I was also happy that Harry was being honest. But he was right I was getting worked up and this was a conversation to be had in parts. I stepped past him walking to the bedroom.

"Are you mad at me?" Harry's deep voice was behind me.

"Is that a real question?" I scoffed.

"Charlie I love you. I only lied to protect you."

"You lied to protect me and look what good that did" I turned around to face him. "I once lied to protect you as well" I raised my brow.

"Not this again" he threw his head back sighing.

"Yes this again. Why is it ok for you to lie to protect me but not for me to lie to protect you? Huh?" I rested my hands on my hips. I was determined to finally get my point across.

"It's not ok for either of us but we both still do it" he countered.

"Whatever Harry" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok look honest and open from here on out. No more secrets" he chewed his bottom lip.

"Don't make a promise you won't keep. I've heard this before. You will hide something else and then-"

"Charlie please" Harry closed his eyes.

"Fine" I grabbed my towel.

He hooked his long fingers around my elbow.

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