Chapter 74

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Chapter 74

"Charlie people are waiting for you please get up"

"Are you carrying a tiny human inside of you? No! Now leave me be!" I pulled the covers over my head.

"Baby seriously. You're being really dramatic and the girls are going to have my ass if you're not there on time"

"Harry, I can't ok? My head hurts and my back hurts and my-"

"If you get up I will have one of those god awful mushroom and onion pizzas waiting for you when you get back"

I thought about his offer. I had complained about the craving all
week. Harry was on the verge of going mad if I mentioned it again.

"Fine. I'll get up" I flung the blankets off and sat up.

"Thank you!" He handed me a towel and wash cloth. "You have 20 minutes"

"Don't rush me!" I stuck my tongue out.

"Mushroom and onion!" He reminded me.

"I'll be ready in 10"

Harry's POV

She closed the bathroom door and I rushed up to Lo and Niall's
apartment. The landlord still didn't have the new apartment ready for them. However they had not had anymore incidents in the last couple weeks.

They decided to have a surprise baby shower for Charlie instead of a planned one. The girls had let her think she was planning while we all found times to meet up when she was asleep or in class. I knocked on their door hoping they would hurry before she was ready.

The door opened and a loud surprise was heard throughout the apartment.

"Oh it's just Harry" Lo rolled her eyes.

"Yea just me" I laughed.

Charlie had more friends from school than I realized. Several girls I didn't recognize at all. Niall and Ed sat on the couch already
appearing bored. Zayn stepped out of the kitchen greeting me with a nod.

"Harold where is the lovely Charlie? I know we're mates and all but I came to see her not you" Louis frowned.

"She's showering"

I reached for a mini sandwich on a plate full of them. As soon as my
fingers touched it a hand came down smacking it out of my grip.

"Ow! What was that for?" I complained.

"Those are for the actual guest! Your job is to get her up here and
then you and the rest of these lazy bums need to beat it!" Lo glared
at all the guys in the room one by one.

"Beat it? Now that doesn't seem appropriate for a baby shower" Louis smirked.

"You're disgusting. Why are you here? You don't even have a
girlfriend" she glared.

"Well look at all the possibilities" he waved his hand around the room.

"This is not a speed dating event! It's a baby shower!" Lo snapped
earning a collected laugh from everyone in ears shot.

"Well excuse me!" Louis acted offended.

"Just keep your hands off the food" she snapped "and the guest!" She warned Louis in particular. As soon as she stepped out of the room I grabbed my sandwich. Louis reached out groping a short blondes bum. She turned to see who the culprit was.

"Oh I'm sorry love. That was an accident. Let me make it up to you. What's your name" he grinned.

She narrowed her eyes only to be won over by the pout on his lips.

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