Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

I sat up looking around the room. A soft knocking keeping a steady pace.

"Harry?" It took me a minute to remember he wasn't home when I went to bed. Ed sent me several text messages apologizing for his absence. I wasn't upset I just wanted to know he was ok. The knocking returned only louder and a little more urgent. Reminding me why I was awake in the first place. I got up walking to the front door. I looked through the peephole seeing a mess of red hair.


I opened the door. Taking in three clearly drunk males. Ed held Harry up who was partially leaning on the door frame. A third guy lay literally in the middle of the floor on his back. Arms resting behind his head and brown hair scattered about. He was singing a low tune but I was distracted when Harry spoke.

"Baby! Where have you been? Do you know how late it is?"

"Harry I've been home. You're the one just coming in at 3 in the morning"

"Oh...well where have I been?" He frowned.

"You are so drunk" I laughed moving to let them in.

"Charlie I'm sorry I didn't mean to get him this drunk I -"

"Ed it's ok. Did you guys have fun?"
I turned noticing the third guy was still laying in the hallway.

"Yea yea it was great." He dropped Harry into the recliner.

"Um I think your friend is asleep.." He followed my gaze to the guy in the hall. He had stopped singing and his eyes were closed. His mouth hung slightly open as his chest rose and fell at a slow pace.

"Matt! Matty! Wake up!" Ed slurred as he walked over to him. "Matt! Get up!" The guy moaned and rolled on to his side.

"I feel awful mate. I think I'm gonna be sick" he stumbled to his feet. "Where's your bathroom love?"

"First door on the right" I quickly moved out of his way. He leaned against the wall stumbling over his feet to get there. I knew he made it successfully to the toilet when I heard the splash of his stomach contents hitting the water.

"Um is there a chance we could um.."

"I'll get the extra blankets" I smiled letting him know it was ok to stay the night.

"Thanks Charlie you're too kind" Ed dropped on to the couch and I grabbed a blanket for him and one for his friend.

As I walked past the bathroom I noticed Ed's friend sleeping on the bathroom floor. I sighed, opting to just cover him up there. I spread the blanket over him and left the door open so he wouldn't be in the complete dark.

"Thank you love" he mumbled as I walked out.

Ed was also asleep on the couch. I laid the second blanket over him and then noticed Harry was gone.

"Harry?" I walked towards the kitchen hearing movement.

He was pulling chips out of the cabinet and then turned to the fridge.

"Harry I don't think you should eat anything. Just drink some water"

"Shhh.." He ignored me pulling a container of dip from the fridge shelf. He roughly ripped open the bag of chips, sending half of them flying all over the counter.

"Harry seriously babe?" I groaned walking over to the mess.

"I'm sorry" he slurred. He seemed to contemplate the mess before he decided on eating the scattered chips.

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