Chapter 51

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~Because I love you guys.... :) ~

Chapter 51

"Harry's birthday is tomorrow. Are you going to call him?"

"We have been broken up for almost a full week. I don't think that's a good idea" I continued highlighting my reading. I couldn't study at my parents house. The tension since the trial was too much. So I was forced to make use of the school library. However Lo had not stopped taking since we arrived over an hour ago.

"It's just a happy birthday. I don't even think he has plans"

"Lo I really need to study for this quiz" I half smiled.

"He misses you"

"Ok" I continued highlighting.

"Really bad.."

"Uh huh"

"He keeps asking about you" she offered.

"Did you tell him I'm not asking about him" I raised my brow.

"No. I just said you've been busy.and that you said you would call him on his birthday.."

I dropped my highlighter.

"Seriously? Why would you do that. Why would you get his hopes up. I'm not calling. You can explain why" I shook my head.

"What if you guys were just friends, you know. Just talked and hung out but didn't bang anymore.."

"Bang?" I fought a smile.

"Would you you prefer I said fucked? What about screwed..or maybe -"

"I get it Lo. And no I don't want to be friends. Not right now. I need to get over him. Pretending everything is ok and being friends is just too much right now"

"Charlie would it honestly kill you to tell him happy birthday? How much of a set back could that possibly be?" She argued.

"Jesus! Fine! I'll tell him happy birthday! Now please can I study in peace?" I glared at her.

"Yep!" She smiled.

I swear she would be the death of

I stared at my phone. It was already 3 o'clock and I was still trying to find the right time to call. It took me forever to fall asleep last night. I hadn't heard Harry's voice in 3 days and I was afraid that when I did I would fall for him all over again.

Just press talk Charlie.

I hit his name. Holding it a little to long as the delete option popped up.

"Shit! No!" I tapped at the cancel button. It froze and I continued assaulting the touch screen in an attempt to make it cooperate .

"Hello? Charlie?"

I heard Harry's voice. It had called him without warning...


"This would be my number so yes..." The amusement in his voice caused me to roll my eyes.

"Right. Well I just wanted to say happy birthday..."

"Thank you love. It's good to hear your voice."

"You're welcome" I ignored the last part.

"You going to come over? Ed's in town. Zayn and Louis will be over later. Niall has already eaten half the fridge... "

"Sounds like a fun night with the guys. I'll pass, you have fun though" I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"That's not possible if you're not here" he breathed into the phone.

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