Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

"Charlie why do you seem so freaked out?" Matt eyed me from the middle of the room.

"I'm sorry. Um I don't know." I zoned out unintentionally. The banging on the door taking me back to the day that almost ruined my life.

"I'm gonna get the door just relax" he laughed stepping into the hallway and and walking to the door.

"Hey is Charlie here?"

"Yea. She's in the living room"

I heard shuffling as whoever was at the door entered the apartment. A second later Gemma rounded the corner.

"Sorry I'm early. And for kicking the front door. This box is just really heavy and-"

"It's ok" I smiled. Hiding my slight annoyance with the moment of distress she caused me.

"This is Harry's sister?"

"Yea this is Gemma"

"My girlfriends name is Gemma. Lovely to meet you" he smiled offering her his hand.

"Uhhh..nice to meet you as well but my hands are a bit full at the moment" she laughed.

"Oh let me get that for you" he took the box from her holding it with ease. "Where too?"

"I'm not actually sure yet. Charlie?" She looked to me for an answer.

"First door on the left" I smiled.

They both left the room giving me a moment to pull myself together.

"Hey hey hey" Lo walked in holding a box I assume from Gemma's apartment.

"Hey you helping too?"

"Yep! And Niall is also assisting. Even if he is hungover" she smirked as He stepped into the apartment behind her. Dark sunglasses shaded his eyes along with a snapback.

"This is bullshit" he mumbled low enough that Lo didn't even hear but I did. I laughed as he walked towards the bedroom.

They continued to walk back and forth from Gemma's old apartment to her new room. Harry still wasn't back and they were pretty much done.

"Give him a call"

"I tried. They must have switched my phone over already. It's not working when I call him" I frowned tossing the phone next to me on the couch.

"Use mine" Lo handed it to me and sat down.


I typed in his number before holding the phone up to my ear and waiting.

"Hey where are you?"

"Almost back. Like a block away. There was a really long wait time"

"Ok well I was just checking on you" I smiled.

"I'll see you in a few minutes"

"I love you"

"I love-"

"Hello? Harry?" There was a loud commotion and then the line went dead.

"What's wrong?" Lo sat up eyeing me.

"I-I don't know. The line went dead and-hold on"

I dialed the number again but only got his voicemail. I tried a couple more times with the same result. I knew I was overreacting but I was starting to get a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Oh. Oh wow."

"What?" Lo looked at me unsure of what was happening.

"He's kicking" I laughed nervously. He never moved much but he was working over time today.

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