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**Important note at the end!!!! I guarantee it will answer all your questions if you read it till the end haha**

"Here let us help Harry"

"It's ok. I've got everything."

"No. We can help you carry some of this stuff. Niall grab that bag"

He picked up the duffle bag with Charlie's things. I watched as he slung it over his shoulder. Charlie's mum had already taken Aidan upstairs.

We walked to the elevator in silence. Things had been pretty quiet since Charlie gave birth. They had all been so helpful. I must of seemed overwhelmed. How could I not be?

When the doctors finally came out and explained what happened I felt sick to my stomach. When Charlie's water broke Aidan swallowed some of the fluid, triggering his first asthma attack. I had passed the trait on to him and it nearly killed him before he had a chance to even live.

To say I felt guilty was an understatement.

I sat the bags down and headed to Aidan's room. Charlie's mum was holding him. She smiled as he cooed, her rocking him kept him calm.

"I've made three extra bottles that are in the fridge. Just warm them before you give them to him or he will have tummy troubles"

"Ok, thank you Mrs. Brooks"

"Harry I think we have reached a point you can call me Denise" She offered a comforting smile.

"Thank you..Denise" I returned the gesture.

She nodded going back to rocking him.

"I guess we will go. He's asleep and I'm sure you want to rest also. It's been a long week"

Long wasn't the word I would of used.

She laid Aidan down and covered him with his blanket. After grabbing her bag, she walked over and hugged me.

"Everything will be fine. You have us if you need anything. We're just a phone call away."

"Thank you for everything"

"Don't let this overwhelm you. You're a strong man and you're already a great father. We will contact you in a couple days to check on you and make arrangements"


"Denise? Are you ready?"

Charlie's dad stepped in the room. He looked into the crib and I saw the tug of a smile as he slipped his finger into Aidan's tiny hand.

"You guys don't have to go. I mean if you wanted to stay here, Lo and Niall have almost all of their stuff out and the guest room will be empty and-"

"Harry. You're going to be fine sweetie"

Her mum hugged me again and I relaxed a little. Lo and Niall stood in the doorway.

"Call us if you need anything at all"

"I will"

She pulled away and we said our goodbyes as I walked them to the door. Once they were on the elevator I walked back into the apartment.

"I'm going to make a few meals that you can just throw in the oven over the next week or so. That way you don't have to worry about cooking or anything"

"Thanks Lo"

"Harry we will be in and out for the next few days moving stuff. You have us also. Don't forget that"

"I know Niall. Thank you guys" they both hugged me before pulling away and walking to the door.

"Call us?"

I nodded and they stepped out. Once the the door was locked I made my way back to Aidan's room. He was sound asleep. The longer I watched him the more relaxed I felt. He had her nose. His green eyes were captivating. Intense even. To be so small it was like he understood everything that was going on. Holding him made me feel like everything would be alright.

I watched him for only a little while before leaving him to rest and crossing the hall to our room. I stepped out of my shoes. Taking off my shirt and jeans. It was only noon but I needed to sleep while Aidan was or I would never get rest. He had his days and nights mixed up. Sleeping all day and then wanting to be held at night.

I slipped under the covers turning on my side. This had been the best and worst week of my life. Aidan was beautiful and everything I had imagined, if not more. I had been struggling with the image of Charlie on that operating table since I was dragged from the room.

Watching her slip from me and not knowing if Aidan would be ok, was my worst nightmare.

I hadn't cried that hard since...everything with Liam happened. This year had been a tough one. There was a lot I would change, but not meeting Charlie. Not finding out she was pregnant. Definitely not proposing to her. She was smart, beautiful, and much stronger than she had gave herself credit for.

That's why when they told me she had died on the the operating table twice and they managed to bring her back, I broke down even more. She hemorrhaged again, similar to the first time but worse. They had to give her two blood transfusions before they got everything under control. She was asleep for a few days after. Those days were rough. Aidan cried non stop. He knew his mum wasn't well and the only time he would stop was when I would lay him next to her.

When she did wake up it took her a while to adjust. She was in a lot of pain from the surgery. The doctors wanted her to move around more. They said the more she moved the faster she would heal and return to her daily routine. She cried every time they made her walk around and it was draining the little energy she had. Her dad brought her home ahead of me bringing Aidan. Now she was peacefully sleeping next to me. I wouldn't wake her. She needed her rest. I didn't want her trying to jump every time Aidan cried. I could handle it. Charlie's mum was planning to help make arrangements for her and Lo to watch Aidan when I had to be in the studio.

I'm sure Charlie would have something to say about all the help, but she had been through a lot and I wanted her to take time for herself. She needed to heal and rebuild her strength. Aidan would be just fine with everyone else helping.

I reached over running my thumb over her pouted lips. She stirred only slightly, never waking up though. I scooted as close as possible without pulling her to me. I didn't want to risk hurting her. She was still sore and they hadn't taken the stitches out yet. I leaned over kissing her softly. Pushing her hair back I cupped her cheek.

"Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. You are so beautiful."

~I want to see your reactions!!! Tag video or pics on IG/Twitter and I'll be responding to some and also following my favorites!!!

I'll also be doing a wattpad follow spree!!! I reached 2K followers and that "following 0" next to it doesn't look that cool haha

Below is a short authors note and all my twitter/IG info, along with the fan accounts that have been made!!!

Authors note:

Well we have reached the end. I want to thank you all for sticking with me! Those that have been here since chapter one was posted and those that joined much later. I appreciate every single one of You. I'm happy you are here and enjoying my book! I can never say thank you enough for all the support. This book would never have been finished and a sequel wouldn't have even been considered if you guys hadn't pushed me to keep going. I was literally just an awkward fangirl who was tired of reading and decided to write. You all are the reason I kept going. Your encouragement and support helped me through more than you will ever know. I can't believe I'm about to write a sequel!!! This is so exciting!!! Ahhhh!!! I love you guys. Seriously thank you for everything <3

Ann Marie :)

Ps. There is a trailer now linked in the side bar!!! It was made by DummyTummy on wattpad!!

To keep up with the latest Breathing/ Alive edits and news my twitter/IG users are below! Along with a couple fan accounts!!!

IG: Annmarie119712
Twitter: Ann_Marie119712

Fan accounts:

IG: Alivefanfic_
Twitter: Charliebrooks__

First chapter of Alive goes up Wednesday 7/9!!!

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