Chapter 10

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We pulled into a parking lot that looked abandon.

"Where are we?" I looked around, the area didn't seem the safest.

"Relax. I just want to show you something" he laughed.

He got out and jogged to my side opening the door.

"My lady" He held is arm out, signaling me to get out.

"Why thank you kind sir" I laughed.

He closed the door and slipped his hand into mine. He led the way as I examined our hands. Our entwined fingers fit perfect.

We cut across the lot and around a corner. Leading us down an ally.

"Uh Harry?" I was getting a little nervous.

"Relax love. I swear I'm not going to kill you" He smirked.

"That smirk is not convincing me otherwise" I raised my brow.

A grin replaced the smirk when we stopped at a door. He pulled it open and nodded for me to go in. I stepped in and looked around.

"What do ya think?" He rested his head on my shoulder. Wrapping his arms around my waist.

"It's possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen." I beamed.

It was a vintage shop but had props and clothes from old movies. I walked around looking at everything.

"You should try this on" he held up a flapper costume.

"How about no" I laughed shaking my head.

"Well it was worth a shot" He hung it back up and started messing with a few props.

"How did you find this place?" I took a film class my sophomore year. Couple of the guys came here to find some props we needed.

"Hmm.. I didn't know you liked film" I picked up an old music box. He watched me as I tried opening it but it was locked. I frowned and sat it down.

"A little... I'm more on the music side. I like figuring out which songs to play at the right part to make you jump" he looked at me.

"Ah I see" I started flipping through some vinyl records that were boxed under a table.

He knelt next to me.

"What ya looking at?"

"Nothing just flipping look!" I grabbed a box full of old skeleton keys. I'd always been obsessed with them. I'm not sure why.

I picked through them pulling out a few to purchase.

"That one might actually..." He trailed off taking one of the keys from my hand. He stood up and walked back over to the music box. He pushed it in the lock on the front. It clicked. He looked at me and smiled. I walked over to him impressed that he found the correct key. When he opened the box it was empty but had a little mirror and a ballet dancer. He flipped it over and turned the knob on the bottom. The music started playing and he sat it back down.

"May I have this dance?" He held out his hand.

"You may" I took it laughing.

He put my arms around his neck. Then rested his hands on my hips. We swayed to the chimes coming from the box.

"Thank you for bringing me here" I smiled up at him.

"Thank you for making it so easy to kidnap you" his smug grin spread.

"You're so dumb" I laughed shaking my head.

"I'm kidding" He grabbed one of my hands and twirled me around.

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