Chapter 34

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~Like I promised :)~

Chapter 34

"What are you going to do with a 50 inch tv in your room anyways?"

"Watch the videos Charlie and I have made" I winked.

"Are you serious? Lo won't even send me pictures!" Niall was an idiot.

"I was kidding you moron" I started unscrewing the tv from the wall. Niall held it making sure it wouldn't fall.

"Oh I'm sure you aren't" he laughed.

"No really I am I have more respect for Charlie than that" I frowned.

"Well I believe that but it's just interesting seeing you all in love" he wiggled his eyebrows. "You were definitely a ladies man before she came around. I wish I got as much arse as you" he shook his head.

"Thank you for making me sound like a womanizer" he talked way to much. Niall was my best mate but his way with words was about as annoying as his frosted tips.

"No you never treated anybody bad or anything. You around!" he howled.

"Niall stop talking you're not helping anything." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. I have another question though" I raised my brow. "Why do you keep wearing that terrible pony tail?"

"Charlie likes it." I defended.

"Oh my god. Bro your so whipped" I removed the last screw. The tv lurched forward. Niall struggled to keep from dropping it. "Shit!"

"Hold that for a second. I'll be back" I turned to walk away.

"No no no! I can't hold this" his face was turning red.

"There is a difference between being whipped and loving someone" I glared at him.

"Ok I'm sorry please help me though I'm about to die"

"Well that wouldn't be good. Who would pay the other half of rent?"

"Your dad?"

I narrowed my eyes.

"You are such a dick" I grabbed the other side of the tv.

"Well I learned from the best!" He nodded towards me. "You were really going to let me stand here with that tv weren't you?"

"For a little while." I shrugged.

"Asshole" he laughed.

Charlie's POV.


"Char it looks awesome" Lo grinned.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"No really it's hot! Harry won't be able to keep his hands off you" she teased.

"Yea well he will have to. " I half smiled.

"Well you are making so much progress. Things will fall into place and everything will be normal again"

"Yea. Well I doubt normal will be used to describe Harry an I's relationship anytime soon" I laughed.

"Well think positive I mean he did just ask you to move in" We walked through the crowded mall. After holiday shoppers littered the stores picking over any sales worth shopping.

"Let's go home. Harry and Niall might need help bringing stuff down"

"No they told me to keep you busy and away from the apartment as long as possible." She smirked.

"Well let's get out of here at least. To many people and if I hear anymore Christmas music I'm going to puke"

"Ok let's get some food and we can bring some back for the boys"

"Sounds good"

We made our way through the mall. After sitting in a line 15 minutes long to to get out of the parking garage, Lo headed to a pizza shop near by.

"Large sausage and pepperoni and two diet cokes" she smiled handing the waitress the menus.

"So. I was told not to bring it up but I want to know how you are feeling" she chewed her bottom lip.

"About what?" I looked down at my fingers. Picking at them thoughtlessly.

"The first court date is in a month. Are you ready?"

"No. I'm not going" The waitress sat our drinks down.

"Thank you" I smiled.

She nodded walking away.

"What do you mean you're not going?" Lo asked crossing her arms.

"What I just said. I'm not going"

I took a drink of my soda.

"Why?" The judgement in her tone let me know dinner might not be as smooth as I had hoped.

"Is that even a real question?" I snorted.

"Yes. That asshole will not get half the time he deserves if you don't testify" she almost yelled instead of whispered.

"He will get what he deserves. Me crying on the stand will not make or break the case trust me"

"Charlie a jury is more likely to put him away for a long time if you tell them what happen" she frowned.

"It will be fine Lo just drop it" I felt a headache coming on.

"No. Charlie you have to tell them what happen they need to hear it from you not second hand from-"

"I said DROP IT!" I snapped."I have told my story to my parents, the doctors, the cops, Harry, you and Niall, and a goddamn lawyer. Everybody under the fucking sun knows what happen! I'm done talking about it. Like I said. Me sitting on a stand telling it for the hundredth time is not going to make a difference at this point!" My eyes stayed locked on her shocked ones.

"Bullshit!" She called me out.

"Excuse me?" I glared.

"You're scared. You want him to go away. You think by pretending its a waste of time talking abut it that it will mask the fact you are just to scared to face him."

"That's not -"

"I'm not done!" She snapped. "You have to testify. If you don't he could get out much sooner than he deserves, just to do it again. You have to do this for you and the potential other girls it could happen to!"

"What are you a fucking shrink? I don't want to testify because I'm tired. I'm trying to move on! I want to be able to kiss my boyfriend without seeing Liam's face! The longer this drags out the longer I have to put on fake smiles pretending I'm ok when I'm not. It's not my responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen again! You think by putting myself through the torture and humiliation of telling a room full of strangers the disgusting things Liam did, that will stop him from ever doing it again? It won't! Trust me, people like him will do what they want and nothing I say in a courtroom will change that.

"I was almost one of those girls Charlie! Thanks to you not saying anything the first time he got crazy with you! Do you not care about me?"

Her words felt like a punch to the face.

"Seriously?" It took everything in me to not slap her across the face.

The waitress sat our pizza on the table.

"Is there anything else I can get you?"

"A box" My eyes stayed Locked on Lo.

"Oh. Ok is something wrong?"

"No. We just have to leave thank you" I forced a smile. Still not breaking eye contact.

The waitress hurried away to retrieve the to go box.

"I shouldn't have brought it up"

"Damn right you shouldn't. I'll be in the car" I stood snatching her keys from the table and walking out.

The drive home was completely silent. Not even the radio played to drown out the awkwardness. When we reached the apartment I got out carrying the box of pizza inside. Lo trailed behind. I slid the new silver key into Harry's apartment door.

"Hey baby" he walked from the living room following me into the kitchen.

"Hey" I stated dryly.

He leaned down to kiss me but I turned my head. The last thing I needed was to have images of Liam mixing with my thoughts. And as much as I loved Harry I knew that would happen.

"What's wrong?" He studied my face.

"Nothing I'm just tired" I half smiled.

"I see... Well I love your hair" he smiled.

"Thank you" I turned setting the pizza down.

"Is this for us?" Niall walked in the kitchen.

"Yes" I pushed it towards him.

"Sweet? Where's Harry's?" He laughed.

"Niall don't make me hurt you mate" Harry warned.

"Only kidding" he grabbed a couple of plates pulling to slices from the box and walking out.

The front door opened. Lo stepped in.

"I have a headache. I'm going to bed" I looked at Harry before walking out. My eyes met lo's as I passed her in the hall.

"Charlie-" I walked past her.

Harry's POV

"Ok what happen?" I pulled a slice of pizza from the box, before leaning against the counter.

"So that thing you asked me not to mention.."

"No. Lo come on" I sighed throwing my head back.

"I thought I could help but she got so upset and we argued and I don't think she wants to talk to me" she looked down.

"You don't think?" The tension level in the kitchen raised so high when Lo walked in you could literally cut it with a knife.

"I thought I could help. Harry don't make me feel worse"

I shook my head walking out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" She followed.

"To undo whatever it is that you did" I huffed.

"Did you know she wasn't going to testify?"

I stopped in my tracks. Turning on my heel I looked at her confused.


"She's not testifying. That's what we fought about."

"She's definitely testifying." I half laughed.

"No she says she's not" Lo raised her brow.

"But she really is." I pinched the bridge of my nose. Closing my eyes I could feel a headache of my own approaching.

"She's not planning to Harry. I wouldn't bring it up, or you will be sleeping on the couch in your own apartment tonight" She gave me a sympathetic look before turning and walking back to the kitchen. I sighed walking to our bedroom. I turned the knob slowly. Charlie looked up at me from her cross legged position on the bed.

"We need to talk" my eyebrows pulled together in an unwilling frown.

Her gaze moved from me to the hall. I looked behind me and Lo was walking by.

"You fucking bitch" she whispered.

I closed the door. This was going to be a long night.

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