Chapter 67

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~I get really happy when people make it past chapter 31 pt2. I'm always afraid they will read it and be like "wtf??? Liam can't be this bad!" Haha. Anyways I just wanted to switch it up. They always make him so sweet in FanFic's he can be a bad boy too!!! Ok I just wanted to share that lol enjoy the new chapter!!! :) ~

Chapter 67

Ed had been talking to Gemma since she arrived. Lo and Harry had continued to take turns glaring at them over the last hour and a half. Niall seemed a bit uncomfortable as always when Gemma was around. The tension from the three of them was enough to drive the most sane person mad.

"I'm hungry" I stood from the couch rubbing my stomach.

"Should you be eating this late?" Lo eyed me.

"Lo let it go. I've lost this argument many times. The pregnant woman eats when she wants. No matter the time of night"

Harry held up his 4th beer gesturing to me.

"Isn't that right love?" He took another drink and I rolled my eyes.


"Shhhh" he held his finger up to his lips. Shaking his head. "I'm telling you, you will lose this battle"

"You guys want anything?"

"Another beer?" He grinned.

"No. Anything else?" I sighed.

"Gemma to leave?" He suggested.

"Don't get me excited" Lo agreed.

They shared a laugh.

"Ok I'm done with you two" I shook my head walking to the kitchen.

I pulled a bag of chips from the cabinet. Gemma walked in and smiled as I turned around.

"Sorry I forgot to text before I came down. I hope it was still ok"

"It's fine I'm glad you came" I returned the smile.

"Harry seems a little tense" she shifted awkwardly.

"He will come around." At least I hoped he would.

"Yea well the looks he's giving me are saying otherwise" she half smiled.

I'd hoped she hadn't noticed, but his glowering expression was hard to miss. He wanted Gemma to be uncomfortable and it was working.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to talk to him more. Its just going to take a lot of convincing. On both of our parts"

She nodded. I'm sure there was more to her and Harry's past that I was not aware of. The things I did know were definitely reason enough for him to hate her. I just hoped Harry would find a way to forgive her if it meant her getting his dad to ease up.

As if on cue Harry walked into the kitchen. Gemma stepped aside as he stood glaring at her.

"Harry" I warned him.

He continued starring and took a swig of his beer, finishing it off. He walked over to the fridge grabbing another one.

"Harry I think you have had enough tonight. Don't you?" I held my hand out for the bottle.

"Trust me as long as she's here. It will never be enough" he twisted the cap off as he started to walk back out.

"Harry I really think we should talk. Just me and you. Obviously there is tension between us and I want to-"

"Understatement of the fucking year" he snorted.

"Please. I really think we can get past this if you just talk to me. I don't want to fight with you. No matter what we are siblings and I still love you"

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