Chapter 66

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~Thank you guys for voting!!! My votes have doubled in the last few days which is Awesome!!! Lots of new readers also! Welcome!!! Lol hope you guys like it. I'll post again tomorrow or Tuesday. I'm going to start writing tonight though :) ~

Chapter 66

"Charlie I love you" Niall kissed my cheek. He took the bag of tacos from my hand heading to the kitchen.

"Hey baby. Thank you for getting the food. Niall was about to drive me fucking crazy" he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind.

"Yea yea yea. Now let me see this room you painted" I turned to walk down the hall.

"No" He turned me back.

"Why?" I laughed as he guided me to the kitchen.

"It's not done and I want to wait until your parents come."

"I cant wait till tomorrow!" I pouted.

"Well you have no choice. I locked the door." He dangled the key in front of me. I reached for it but he raised his arm higher.

"No no love. You have to wait" he smirked.

"Niall what are you getting me for my birthday?" Lo rested her chin on her palms. Niall paused before taking a bite of his taco.

"Umm.'s a surprise" he nodded continuing to stuff the taco into his mouth.

She frowned rolling her eyes.

"Niall hand me one" Harry held his hand out.

"Get your own!" He pulled the bag in front of him.

"Niall you greedy little shit give me the bag."

Harry began a round of tug of war with his friend. Lo got up walking to the living room and I followed. I heard a faint knock at the door and turned back looking through the peephole. I didn't see anyone so I opened it to check. Looking out into the hall, I still didn't see anyone.

"Hello? Someone out here?"

"Charlie what are you doing?" Harry was behind me.

"I thought I heard someone knock"

He stepped past me into the hall.

"Baby there is no one out here." He laughed turning back to me.

"I swear I heard a knock"

"You heard someone knock on the neighbors door or something" he closed the door and locked it walking back to the kitchen.

I frowned. I knew I wasn't hearing things but I obviously couldn't prove it.

"Hey man. Yea come over"

Harry walked towards the bedroom. His phone pressed to his ear.

"Whose he talking to?" I looked at Niall who stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

"I don't know he didn't say" he shrugged.

"Charlie your phone is ringing" Lo called from the living room.

She held it out to me as I walked up.


"Charlie it's Gemma"

"Oh um hey, hold on"

I walked back to the kitchen.

"What's up?" I spoke low.

"I talked to my dad. He's going to back off. I told him that I wouldn't help him anymore. That I was done being his lackey."

"He really said he would back off?" I was confused. He was set on paying me off only a few hours ago.

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