Chapter 20

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~Hey all! I can't believe I'm 20 chapters in!!!! I didn't think it would get this far. I appreciate all of the feedback I've been getting. You all make me smile with your comments :) this chapter seems a little short so I'll try and update again tonight. If I don't I will definitely have chapter 21 up tomorrow! Enjoy and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! Also comment!!! Lol #Harlie on Instagram and tag me if you like. My username is in my bio :) ~

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

"Lo stop just listen to me!"

"Let me see it Niall!"

I rolled over grabbing my phone. 3:52 am. You have got to be fucking kidding me. I climbed out of bed careful not to wake Charlie. I stepped out of the room closing the door behind me.

"What the hell is going on" I whispered. Approaching the couple in the hall.

"It's 3:30am and his phone goes off he won't tell me who it is! I know he's fucking cheating!" The small girl yelled swinging her hand at my friends face. The smack echoed in the small apartment.

"Jesus Lo!" Niall held his cheek.

She glared at him.

"You need to calm down nothing will be solved if you start beating people up" I stepped between them.

"Fuck you! You and Charlie are perfect!" She spat.

"I'm going to let your rude ass comment slide. Charlie and I are not perfect so get that out of your head"

"Go away Harry we can handle this. If someone would just tell the truth!" She yelled more at Niall than me.

He shook his head.

"Ok Lo I know Niall trust me he's not cheating on you." I tried to comfort her. "Actually he's a terrible liar"

"I've tried to tell her that but she doesn't believe me!" He yelled. He was getting pissed.

"You know what I've given you a chance to fess up but you want to know how I know you are lying?" She narrowed her eyes.

"How Lo please tell me?!" Niall crossed his arms. "This should be fucking good" he leaned against the wall.

I shook my head at him.

"Explain these?" She pulled white lace panties from her pocket.

Those look familiar..

"I found them in the blazer you wore on Monday!!" She threw them at him. "You bastard!" She pushed him.

Niall looked shocked and confused.

"Wait a minute..." I picked up the panties inspecting them.

"We are threw! I gave you a chance to tell the truth!"

"Wait hold on. Niall did you wear my blazer?"

"You said I could. I couldn't find mine remember" he was holding back his anger. I could tell he was about to explode.

I started laughing. They both looked at me like I was crazy.

"What the hell is so funny?" Lo rested her hands on her hips.

"These are Charlie's...from our first date..." I continued laughing.

Lo's face fell. She looked at Niall who sighed with relief.

"Oh my god thank you!!!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Baby. I'm so sorry!" She stepped towards him.

"Stop. I told you I didn't cheat. You don't trust me.." He shook his head.

It was to early for this shit. The problem was finally solved. Now Niall was going to be dramatic.

"I'm sorry but what was I suppose to think?" She was on the brink of tears.

Way to fucking early.

"I think you should go Lo" Niall ran his hand down the back of his head.


"We can talk later but I need a break from this.." He waved his hands in front of him.

"A break? But.." She trailed off.

Niall walked into his room and closed the door. The tears started as soon as he was out of sight. I hugged her not knowing what else to do.

"He's just mad he will be fine in the morning" I was on the verge of falling asleep just standing there.

"What if he's not though" she cried harder.

What I would give for Charlie to wake up and take over. I know she has class in a few hours so I wouldn't suggest it. Half an hour later I was sitting on the couch my head bobbing as I tried to stay awake listening to Lo continue to vent about her frustrations with Niall. He owed me big for this. I could be cuddling with Charlie instead I'm playing Dr. Phil to her best friend. Shit she was going to owe me big for this as well.

"I really think you should just give him space. He likes you a lot. Trust me, but this constant arguing you two have been doing will push him away faster than he can finish a value meal from Mc Donald's"

She frowned. We both knew that was fast.

"Ok well maybe I will wait till he talks to me.." She sighed.

"Good idea! Now go get some sleep. Don't want bags under your eyes when he comes to kiss and make up tomorrow" I guided her to the door.

"You're so right! Thanks Harry for listening to me whine" she smiled.

"No problem goodnight" she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me into a right hug, then stepped out of the apartment.

"Mother of god!" I sighed after locking the door.

I made my way back to my room. Charlie was curled up on my side of the bed. I gently climbed in next to her. Her arm wrapping around my waste. She laid her head on my chest and snuggled into me. I hope we never fight like that. I don't know if I could handle it.

"Where did you go?" She mumbled.

"Bathroom" I replied. I knew she would ask to many questions if I told her the truth tonight.

The alarm sounded way to early. Charlie's warmth was removed suddenly as she climbed out of bed.

"No come back" I moaned.

"I have to get ready for class I'm sorry" I felt her soft lips on my cheek. "But you need to get up as well my love because You are driving me" I groaned forgetting I told her I would take her.

I sat up hearing her leave the room. I pulled on sweats and a white v-neck. I slipped my vans on and walked to the bathroom brushing my teeth. Charlie rushing in and out doing random things.

"Slow down what are you doing?" I laughed.

"I forgot I have to print the rest of my paper for a different class" the three quarter sleeve shirt she wore hugged her chest a little more than normal. I found my eyes wondering over the tight fabric. Her skinny jeans sat low on her hips revealing about an inch of skin between her shirt and pants.

"Harry we need to go what are you looking at?"

"Huh oh nothing let's go" I followed her out of the apartment. We walked to my range and I opened the door for her. She smiled hoping in.

"I think my car will be done around least that's what the guy said." She was looking through her phone.

"Ok I'll be back here at 3:30?"

"Yes sounds good thank you babe" she smiled.

I stopped outside of her first class. As she got her things I saw Liam approaching the car. I nodded and waved. Charlie noticed and seemed to have a look of disgust on her face. Am I missing something?

She leaned over planting a kiss like no other on my lips. Her small hand cradled my face. She pulled away gasping and leaving me breathless.

"Damn what was that for?" I asked feeling more turned on than I wanted to admit.

"Just a thank you for being the best boyfriend a girl could ask for" she smiled before climbing out of the car.

Charlie's POV

I saw Liam walking up and got the sudden urge to kiss Harry goodbye. I wanted to make him squirm. I was still furious at him for the shit he pulled at the party. After leaving Harry shocked and breathless I stepped out of the car a satisfied smile on my face when Liam looked annoyed and uncomfortable. Harry waved and pulled off.

"Hey Charlie" he spoke.

"Hey" In an attempt to rush past him I bumped into him. Being that I forgot to zip up my bag everything went flying. He was on the ground picking up my books before I could stop him.

"I've got it!" I snapped.

"It's ok I'll help" he half smiled.

I snatched my film book from his hands as I stood up.

"I was just trying to help." He stated dryly.

"Stay away from me and stay away from Harry that's how you can help!" I turned to leave.

"Charlie I'm sorry for everything that happened over the weekend but I'm not the only one guilty of something"

Was he fucking serious? I turned back.

"And what would I be guilty of Liam?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You obviously enjoyed our moment in the laundry room" he smirked.

"Excuse me?" Where did he get that idea? I stepped closer to him.

"You have had plenty of opportunity to tell Harry about me but you didn't..."

"What's your point I was doing you a favor remember?" I was confused by his mind games.

"I seem to remember the story a little different" he smirked.

" You tricked me! You kissed me . And then you hit me!" I yelled grabbing the attention of a few people walking past.

"Keep your voice down" he growled. I stepped back. Startled by his change in demeanor.

"That won't be the story I tell" he snapped. " you kissed me and I pushed you away"

"That's not what happen!" I tried containing the anger building in my stomach.

"Well that's my story. Who do you think he'll believe you the secret keeping girlfriend or me his new hero in his eyes" he raised an eyebrow as the smirk spread.

"Harry will not believe you he hated you until a few days ago!" I spat.

"Oh Charlie I don't care if he believes me. Just think about how upset he'll be that you never told him." He let out a small laugh. "I would hate to cause a rift in paradise" he shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels. "So! I'll need you to pull it together when I'm around. You also better not mention what happen at the party to anyone!"

"Go to hell!" I growled.

"Not without you babe" he stepped closer putting his lips to my ear.

"You will be mine." He kissed the spot below my ear.

I pushed him away. He laughed.

"I'll see you Saturday." He smiled before turning and quietly walking away.

I had forgot about the game they would be watching together. All the boys at Harry's place. I stood there in shock for a few minutes. Would he really try and ruin my relationship with Harry? I made my way to class trying to push this sudden drama with Liam to the back of my mind.

Breathingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें