Chapter 87

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~Glad you guys enjoyed the last chapter. It was fun to write :) Some of you are asking for more like that. I may try to throw other Pov's in but if you get too many people telling the story it gets really confusing especially as the writer. It's hard enough making sure I'm in Charlie or Harry's pov when I'm supposed to be hahaha plus some of you were confused in the last chapter :( my goal is not to confuse you but to make you think! Anyways here's the new chapter enjoy :) ~

Chapter 87

Charlie's pov

"Harry wake up! It's time!"

He jumped off the couch running to the bedroom.

"I got the overnight bag!" He rushed from the bedroom. Stumbling as he stuffed his phone and wallet in his pocket.


"Check! Where is.. Lo! Niall!" He yelled.

They ran into the living room.

"What? What's happening?" Niall pulled his shirt down.

Lo buttoned her jeans and looked at Harry and I.

"It's time!" Harry moved to the front door.

"Shit I need shoes!" She ran back to her room.

"Hurry!" Harry yelled.

I watched as they all ran around grabbing shoes and bags. They were making their way to the door again by the time I stopped them.

"Time!" I yelled clicking my stop watch.

"What?" Harry looked confused.

"I was testing you" I beamed.

"You mean it's not time?" Lo frowned.

"Nope!" I stood from the stool and walked over to the couch. "2 minutes. That wasn't bad"

"Char you have to be shitting me. My heart is beating so fast." Harry rested his hand on his chest. He closed his eyes trying to catch his breath.

"Sorry babe. I had to make sure you were prepared. Clearly you need some work.." I looked down at his feet.

"Huh?" He had one boot and one running shoe on.

"Well I'm sorry. I was woken from a much needed nap to play prank the fiancé. It was very mean of you to do that. Niall's not even amused and he thinks everything is funny."

Niall leaned against the wall texting.

"Who are you talking to?" Lo smacked his arm.

"Ow! What?"

She rolled her eyes turning back to me.

"The girl who cried wolf gave birth in an apartment instead of the hospital. And she didn't get an epidural either!" Lo huffed walking back to her room. "Come on Niall!"

"Someone is moody" I frowned.

"Someone else is a psyco!" She yelled in response.

"Come sit with me" I reached for his hand.

"I need a drink after that, hold on" he walked to the kitchen.

"Have you talked to Gemma yet?"

"No. I don't plan too. I actually need to talk to Ed first"

"Harry I thought we agreed you were being silly"

"No you made jokes about it and changed the subject" he corrected.

"Well I thought I had gotten through to you"

"Not a chance. When It comes to Gemma-" his phone went off and he pulled it from his pocket. "Hello? Hey Nina. Ok send him up. Thanks"

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