Chapter 49

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~Since I'm in a really great mood and it's my birthday week I'm feeling very generous!! You guys have been amazing with voting and commenting!!!! So call it an early Christmas gift haha here is my third update of the day!!!!!! :) ~

Chapter 49

I followed her to the bedroom. She pulled her duffle bag from the closet.

"Please! Please don't leave" I begged.

"I think we need...some space Harry" she was trying not to cry. I think I was too.

"No! No space. Everything is fine. Please let's just talk and we can figure out what to do. I can make up for today. I'm so sorry please" I was tempted to literally drop to my knees begging her not to leave.

"Harry please don't make this any harder than it has to be. I'm not breaking up with you I just think we need space" she stopped messing with her clothes and finally looked at me.

"No I don't want space!"

"What do you want? One minute you say it's me. The next you're not coming home until late at night. You barely talk to me. I've felt like a burden since we got back. I don't get it. We had am amazing trip. No fighting. It was exactly what I needed. What we all needed. Then we get back and it's like you did a complete 180 and we are back to fighting again. What happen?"

This is not how I wanted to have this conversation. If I tell her the truth she will leave for sure.

"Silence. The only thing I get from you anymore" she shook her head, and continued packing.

"I might be going back to London" she stopped.

"What?" her voice was a whisper.

"I need to be near my family. I miss them and I haven't seen my mum in over a year." The lump in my throat was making it hard to swallow this lie.

"When were you going to tell me?" She looked up at me. Her eyes filled with tears. Threatening to spill over.

"I don't know. I hadn't figured out a way yet." I looked down at my feet. I couldn't make eye contact she would know I was lying for sure.

"So everything you said in L.A. about wanting to be with me and your worst nightmare is to lose me. How happy you were that I made an exception for you! It was all bullshit!"

"No! No it wasn't! Thats how I feel. I just need to go back. I need to figure out what I'm doing. I graduate in May and I don't know if I'll have a job or money. If I go back I can work for my dad and-"

"Work for your dad?! Since when do you want to work for him?" She was in as much shock as I was at my last statement.

"I'm just saying it's an option. I don't know what I want.." Her eyes searched mine.

"Your lying! What are you not telling me Harry?" She crossed the room. Standing in front of me.

"I'm not lying."

"Tell me!" She demanded.

"I'm not lying Charlie!" I was trying to keep my cool, but she was pushing me.

"Then I'll come with you." Her eyes locked on mine.

I wasn't prepared for that.

"You can't" was the only thing I could get out.

"I can't? Or you don't want me too?"

"You can't.."

She nodded.

"It's your dad isn't it?" She looked away. Wiping a tear that finally fell.


I started to tell her the truth but I couldn't.

"Don't let him win Harry."

"I'm not. It's what I want"

"Ok" she nodded.

I watched as she finished stuffing clothes into her bag. She pulled it on to her shoulder, walking towards the door. Stopping before walking past me.

"I take it back"

"What?" I couldn't look at her. It was taking everything in me not to break down in front of her.

"We're over"

She walked out. Taking my world with her. How could I let this happen?

He won.

Charlie's POV.

I used the next 2 days as an attempt to clear my head. My mom continuously asked me about testifying. Between everything with Harry and her badgering I was going to fucking scream. He had called me non stop, and when he would take a break she would be knocking on my door. It was like they were working together, to see who could piss me off the most.

"Have you changed your mind?"

"No" I walked over to my dresser grabbing more Kleenex.

My mom nodded.

"Charlie I think you should reconsider"

"My god! What's the point?! Liam said if I told anything he would ruin Harry and I's relationship. He succeeded. Then Harry's dad came in and sealed the deal"

"No if you don't testify and he gets away with what he did to you, then he succeeds. Harry's dad is another story"

"I'm not going"I snapped.

"Charlie you need to go. I don't want to upset you, but you have to go"

"How many times do I have to tell you? I'm done with it! so just drop it" I laid back down.

"We are leaving for the court house at noon. Meet downstairs if you change your mind"

"I won't" I closed my eyes.

"Noon. Charlie"

She walked out. As quick as she left my dad entered.

"We need to talk"

I sighed.

Harry's POV

"Have you talked to her?"

"No Harry nobody has talked to her" Lo rolled her eyes.

"She has to come." I sat on the bench outside the court room.

"She's not coming I'm telling you" Lo leaned back against the wall.

"Payne vs Brooks will begin in 5 minutes" the officer announced.

I was starting to believe that Charlie really wasn't coming.

"Come on we should find seats" Lo stood walking towards the court room.

I stood as well looking back at the entrance once more, before following her in. We found seats near the front behind her lawyer.

"Hey Harry. Glad you could make it" he leaned over the barrier shaking my hand.

"Of course" I half smiled.

He went over the expectations as far as my testimony. Explaining how we could work around Charlie not showing up. They closed the doors a few minutes later. I looked back hoping Charlie would be in the back. She wasn't. When they brought Liam out, my fist balled instantly. He held a smirk as soon as we made eye contact. After standing for the judge. It began.

I successfully gave my testimony. Charlie's parents sat behind Lo. Her dad consoling her mum, as I explained in detail what happen when I arrived at the apartment. The next testimony was suppose to be Charlie's.

"The prosecution calls Charlie Marie Brooks to the stand"

I put my head down. Knowing it was a lost cause. Lo sighed next to me.

"Charlie Marie Brooks?"

I shook my head. She really didn't come.

"I'm here"

My head snapped up, eyes meeting terrified hazel ones as she walked to the front of the court room.

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