Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Harry drove us in my car since it was a little closer. We pulled up to a restaurant and he parked out front. We got out and he grabbed my hand as we walked through the doors. We were led to a reserved seating area where everybody was already seated.

"Ahh look who decided to join us" Ed stood to greet us. When he hugged me my inner fangirl melted again.

"So Charlie I'm guessing you two had a rest of the night" Ed teased. I felt my cheeks heat at the thought.

"Now now we don't kiss and tell" Harry stated pulling me closer.

"So basically you went home and went to bed?" Ed shot back.

I laughed as Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well not quite.." I stated eyeing Harry.

"My place got broken into last the rest of the evening did not go as planned" Harry stated. A hint of anger in his tone.

"What? No way mate! They get away with a lot?" Ed changed from joking to concerned.

"They didn't take anything...that's what was weird they just trashed the place.." He sighed.

"Who did you piss off?" Ed raised an eyebrow a smirk played on his face.

"Shut up!" Harry laughed

"Well have a seat and enjoy lunch it's on me!" Ed sat down. Harry pulled out a chair for me before taking the seat next to me.

"Hey Louis I see your eye has healed for the most part" Harry teased.

"Shut up man I was trying to help Charlie who I didn't know was your girl at the time" he smiled at me.

"I wasn' the time" I looked at Harry who smiled.

"I see. So I did have a chance back then?" Louis laughed.

"Nah mate she was mine she just didn't know it" I rolled my eyes. Niall's words about Harry being a caveman crossed my mind.

"Anyways" I picked up a menu looking over what I wanted.

"What are you getting?"Harry asked doing the same.

"Probably fries..."

"That's it?" He questioned

"I'm not super hungry" I frowned.

"Well I'll get a burger and you can have my fries" he stated.

"Ok sounds good" Harry rested his hand on my thigh. I smiled and put mine on top of it.

When the waitress came back we placed our order. Several conversations where being had at the table. I liked his friends they were funny. Louis continued to tease how if he wasn't drunk he could have taken all 4 boys at the party. Ed told embarrassing stories about Harry from back home.

"Yea he was real smooth back home always trying to sing to the ladies to get them on dates" Ed laughed.

"Hey I was good ok I can sing!" Harry laughed

"Oh really? Let's hear it" I teased

"No. Not in here.." He shook his head

"Pussy!" Ed laughed again

"I'm not I just don't want to make you look bad ok mate" Harry shot back.

A round of "oooohhhhhhh" was heard around the table.

"Yea whatever mate" Ed shook his head laughing.

"So Charlie what are you going to school for?" Tiffany asked. She was a mutual friend of the boys.

"Well I've always been into film so I'm majoring in directing right now I'm almost done though."

"So you plan to move to like Hollywood at some point" Louis asked taking a drink of his soda.

"Yea that's the plan after graduation" I smiled.

"Hmm well that's pretty cool" Ed said looking at Harry, who shook his head slightly.

I noticed the exchange but decided not to say anything. Lunch came to an end when Ed had to go to a recording session.

"Well it was good seeing you mate. I'll be here till Wednesday so hit me up if you want to hang" Harry and Ed hugged before Ed. hugged me as well.

"It was really nice getting to know you Charlie. Keep an eye on this one" he teased.

"I will. It was lovely meeting you as well" I smiled.

We said goodbye to everyone else before leaving the restaurant.

"What time is it?" I asked. Harry leaned against the car. I put my arms around his neck.

"12:32" he stated closing his eyes as I played with his curls at the back of his neck.

"What about the locksmith for the door?"

"Niall is there. They only need one of us. I need to grab a few things from the store." He rested his hands on my hips.

"Ok let's go then" I started to pull away and he pulled me back placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"I could get use to this" I smiled

"I hope so" he laughed.

He opened my door and I got in. He got in the drivers side and we pulled off.

"So Hollywood is a big dream. For you?" He asked while looking at the road.

"Yea. I have some family out there and it would be a nice start for the film industry you know" he nodded.

"I like L.A. It's a fun city"

"Yea I've been a few times. I like it a lot" he smiled and we pulled into a best buy.

Inside Harry was looking at TV's. I wondered around. Looking at DVDs.

"Charlie?" I looked up and Liam was standing to my left.

"Hey Liam" I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled.

"Just waiting for um-my a.."

"I'm guessing the potential boyfriend made it official?" He looked a little disappointed

"Um...yea he did" I half smiled.

"That's cool I mean I'm sure you have room for friends right?" He smiled.

"Of course!" Honestly I didn't think being friends with Liam was a good idea. He had made it obvious that he was attracted to me and just starting a relationship with Harry I didn't want to complicate things.

"Let me get your number and I'll text you this week" he pulled out his phone and handed it to me.

I punched in my number and sent a text to myself.

" Hey love I got- who's this?" Harry looked at Liam a hint of anger crossed his face.

"This is Liam he goes to NYU also..."

Harry nodded at Liam and put an arm around my shoulder. Liam nodded also before turning his attention back to Me.

"I'll text you" he smiled before turning and walking away.

"You gave him your number?" Harry looked shocked.

"He's just a friend from school" I shrugged and walked away.

"He clearly likes you..did you see the way he was looking at you?" He followed.

"Harry seriously he's just a friend. You have nothing to worry about" I tried to laugh it off.

"It's not you I'm worried about. Guys can be determined and when we want a girl we will do anything to get her" he stated

"Like you?" I shot back.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Touché" he looked away.

"Liam just wants to be friends if it gets weird I'll stop talking to him okay?" He sighed

'Ok..but I'm telling you he likes you" I smiled grabbed his hand as we made our way to the check out.

I knew Liam liked me but I didn't have the heart to turn down a friendship as well. Besides he was harmless.

Over the next week Harry and Niall got their place back in order. I was busy with some class projects that had not shown me any mercy for my budding relationship. I had only had dinner with Harry a couple nights and he stayed over a few times but we hadn't had the chance to really hang out. Liam had started texting me wanting to get together but I avoided the subject when he brought it up. It was Monday evening and Lo was fixing dinner while I did homework in the living room. My phone buzzed and I picked it up..

What are you wearing?

Can you ask something new for a change -_-

Hmmmm...what's your favorite scary movie?

Anything good! Iol next question

Ok now what are you wearing? ;)

You are such a pervert lol

Me? I just asked what you were could be a dress or jeans why do you assume I'm being a pervert?

Fine I'm wearing a t shirt and shorts..

What color panties? ;)

See! Pervert!

Must be black...

I pulled the band of my shorts out.

How did you know that?

I have my ways ;)

Stalker much?

You wish babe.

Well I'm doing homework so I'll have to play with you later.

Interesting choice of words hulk...

Goodnight Harold!

I laughed as I put my phone back down. A few minutes later it went off again.

"Harryyyyy" I whined as I picked it up.

Hey wanna get lunch tomorrow? :)

Sure where and what time?

I had avoided hanging out with him long enough. Lunch wouldn't hurt.

The coffee shop? Say... one?

Sounds good see you then.

Alright night babe :)

I read his last message thrown off by him calling me babe. I decided not to read into it and sat my phone down.

"Dinner is ready!" Lo yelled from the kitchen.

I sighed. I was never going to get this paper done.

The next morning I woke up late. I put on dark wash skinny jeans and an oversized off white sweater. I threw my black boots on and put my hair in a high messy bun. I was in to much of a hurry I had no time for contacts. So Ray Bans it was. I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I pushed my head phones in my ear as I started the walk to campus.

I was in my thoughts when I saw Liam approaching. Great.

He walked up as I took the headphones out.

"Hey" I smiled

"So we still on for lunch?" He asked

"Of course why wouldn't we be" I laughed.

"Well I figured boyfriend would put a stop to it" he half smiled

"Harry is not that type of guy..he doesn't care if I hangout with other male friends" I defended.

"Ok ok no need to get defensive...I just figured after I ran into him the other day-"

"What?" I was confused Harry didn't mention this.

"Yea I saw him at the library I said hey but he gave me the cold shoulder...when I asked about you he kinda freaked out..."

"What did he say?" I questioned. Completely thrown off bye the fact that Harry had been rude to Liam.

"He just said he knew what I was up to...and that I needed to watch my step...I took it as over protective boyfriend I mean I would be the same way with you..." He smiled

I ignored his last comment.

"Look I'm sorry he is just paranoid ...he's harmless really" I smiled reassuring him.

"Yea it's cool well I'll see you at 1?"

"Yep at the coffee shop"

He hugged me and we went our separate ways. The fist half of the day I couldn't stop thinking about the fact Harry had said that to Liam. I told him there was nothing to worry about yet he still had to claim territory. I thought about texting him but this conversation should be had in person. So I just texted that we needed to talk..

Can we talk tonight?

Yea love...what's wrong?

Nothing big I just needed to ask you about something

Ok well I'll be home at 8 I have a group study with Louis and some people.

Ok see you then :)

Ok love talk to you later.

After my writing class I headed to the coffee shop. When I got there Liam was in a booth and waved me over.

"Thought you were standing me up" he laughed

"No I wouldn't do that. Class let out a little late is all" I smiled

"So any plans for this weekend?"

"No I mean all my big projects will be done finally so I'm sure Harry and I will finally get to spend some time together" I sighed

"Oh. Well a buddy of mine is having a party. I don't know if you've been to the fall bash before but you should come...bring Harry" he smiled.

I'd heard of it. Those parties got pretty crazy. The main reason I stayed away. I'd heard some interesting horror stories..

"Sounds fun I'll run it by him" I smiled.

We continued talking before I headed back to class. When I was done for the day I made the journey home. It was getting closer to fall and I would need to drive or wear a heavier jacket. I shivered as I stepped into the building. I made my way over to the mailboxes and got the mail.

"Hey Char" I looked up as Niall walked in the building.

"Hey Niall" I smiled

"How was your day?" He walked over.

"Good it went pretty fast had lunch with a friend. What about you?" I stepped out of the way so he could check his mail.

"Good had lunch with Lo" he blushed.

"Oh my god Niall are you two official yet?" I laughed

"Well actually yes..." He smiled real big.

"Awwwww about time" I teased.

"What about you and Harry? I know your official and all but how is everything?"

"Good we haven't had a chance to spend a lot of time together I had quite a few projects this past week that kept me busy." I half smiled.

"Aw well I know he understands" Niall reassured me.

"Hey a friend of mine invited me to a party this weekend you and Lo should come I'm going to tell Harry about it tonight"

"Is it the annual fall bash?" He questioned

"Yea I've never been...since my friend invited me I thought I should go this year"

"Ok well I'm down. I know Lo will be as well... to be a light weight she likes to drink" he laughed.

"Tell me about it" I laughed.

"Well I will see you later have a good night" he walked to his apartment as I walked up the stairs.

When I got to my door a single red rose was again placed on the door handle leaning against the frame.

"Harry" I smiled picking it up and smelling it.

I texted him when I got through the door.

Thank you! :)

For what?

For just being you :)

Ok lol your welcome? We still talking tonight?

The more I thought about it the more trivial it became. He was just being a protective boyfriend. Nothing wrong with that. It was nice having him care that much to feel threatened. Alex didn't care. He never cared about anything...

Let's just watch a movie I miss you :(

Sounds like a plan you pick and please don't pick a chic flick ;)

But the notebook is a brilliant love story!

Id rather shoot myself in the face -_-

And I thought Lo was dramatic...

Anything but that movie love ok? :)

Fine...see you at 8 :)

See ya

I did some homework and then showered I knew Harry would be over for a while and I would be to tired after he left. Eight rolled around and I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and my eyes took in the beautiful curly haired boy in front of me. I grabbed his shirt bringing his lips to mine. He backed me in and kicked the door shut. I broke the kiss after a minute or two.

"Wow it's only been what 2 days?" He laughed.

"I just missed you is all" I smiled.

"I do live downstairs love" he smirked

"Don't be a smart ass" I laughed laying my head on his chest as he rubbed my back.

"So what movie are we watching?" He questioned as I pulled away.

"The Vow" I smirked

"Love I said no chic flicks" he whined.

"You said no notebook" I challenged

He sighed.

"Fine what do you want to watch?" I pouted.

"Please put that lip back in before I put some-"

"If you finish that sentence we will have a Nicolas Sparks marathon" I narrowed my eyes.

"I'd rather shave my head" he frowned.

"Well I won't let that happen" I laughed. "Without those curls you are nothing" I teased.

"Ouch and here I though it was my personality that pulled you in" he fell on to the couch.

"Nope it's always been the curls" I laughed.

"Come here" he smirked.

I walked over to him. He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed.

"What did you want to talk about earlier?" He placed a soft kiss on neck.

"Nothing it's not important" he continued placing soft kisses along my jaw.

"If you say so" his lips found mine. I laughed when I felt him tickling my side.

"Harry stop I'm ticklish" I laughed.

"Stop what? This?" He held me in place with one arm while he tickled my thighs with the other.

I threw my head back in laughter as he continued.

"I can't breath stop!" I shouted almost in tears he tossed me onto the couch and climbed over me. His legs on either side of mine.

"Say "Harry is the sexiest man alive" and I'll stop" he went to work tickling my sides.

"Harry is the ugliest thing alive" I shouted through uncontrollable laughter.

"Oh you have really done it now" he laughed.

I tried pushing him off but he was to strong.

"Ok ok you win! Harry is the sexiest man alive" I tried to slow my breathing as he stopped.

"Thanks love but I already knew that" he placed a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek before getting up.

"You're an ass" I laughed.

"Love you too babe" he walked over to the DVDs.

"Ooo The Avengers sounds good" he pulled it off the shelf. Putting it in the DVD player. He turned the light out as it started. I was still laying on the couch. He made his way over and climbed behind me wrapping his arm around my waste.

"What are we doing this weekend?" I asked.

"Nothing have something in mind?"

"A friend invited me to the fall bash...I thought it might be fun if we all went" I bit my lip.

"I don't know those parties get crazier every year...but if you want to go we can" he kissed the top of my head.

"Can't hurt to make an appearance..."

"I suppose not" he laughed.

The movie started and 15 minutes later I heard soft snores from behind me. I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv. I pulled the throw blanket on the back of the couch over us and snuggled into Harry before drifting off to sleep myself.

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