Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I sat in the living room waiting for Harry. He said he was coming up soon but it had been 30 minutes or so. I finally heard the knock and walked to the door.

"Hey love I'm sorry I took so long"

He kissed my cheek and walked to the living room.

"So about my dad-"

"It's ok Niall told me what's been going on" I half smiled.

"He just can't keep his big mouth shut" Harry shook his head.

"I'm glad he told me actually. My mind was running wild with everything that your dad had said"
He nodded looking at the floor.
"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want it to become an issue I wanted to take care of it on my own and-"

"Sounds familiar.." I raised my brow.

His eyes met mine. He had given me so much shit for keeping my problems with Liam to myself and here he was hiding something as well.

"So now what? Are you mad at me again?" He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth.

"No. I just want you to tell me everything"

"Ok I will" he sat down. "My dad is the CEO of Style Wide advertising. He started the company about 25 years ago and it's grown massively since then. He sent me to NYU for business. I've continued taking a few classes so he thinks I'm getting a business degree but when I graduate it will be a bachelors in music. The only reason he agreed to send me was because I agreed to come back home after graduation."

" that still your plan? go back home?" My voice cracked. I felt the lump in my throat.

"I don't know. I mean I wasn't expecting to find someone I care about here....but I did" he looked at me. "He wants me to come back and eventually take over his company. No matter if I stay or go I don't want to do that. He's always had this plan for me not once has he asked what I want to do." He sighed sitting back.

"Why does he think I'm a gold digger?" The words tasted bitter leaving my mouth, but I needed to know.

"He thinks all women are after money" he rolled his eyes. "That was part of the reason he divorced my mum. He claimed she was stashing money to leave him so he left her first"

"That's horrible" I frowned.

"Well that's my dad for ya. I love him because he's my dad at the same time the money has made him impossible to be around"

"I'm sorry you are having to deal with this Harry"

"He said if I don't come back he's going to have me taken out of my grandparents will and his..."

"He can't do that can he? At least not your grandparents right?"

"He's got plenty of lawyers that would find a loophole somewhere. I don't care about the money though...I care about you" his eyes locked on mine. I resisted the urge to look away. I was always looking away." He said I have to come back after graduation...without you.."

The lump was back. Harry's dad didn't want us to be together? He doesn't even know me..and it sounds like he doesn't know his son either.

"I think you need to do what's best for you Harry...even if-"

"Don't say it. " he warned

"I'm just saying don't make a decision now..but when you do make sure it's what you really want" he nodded and pulled me to his chest.

"I appreciate that but I know what I want" he kissed the top of my head.

"Awww isn't this special!" I heard Lo's teasing and turned to face her in the doorway.

"Shut up" I laughed.

"Where's Niall?" Harry questioned.

"Went to get something for us to eat..well something for him but I'll be eating some as well" she laughed.

"You are so wrong. You know he can eat the entire McDonalds menu alone" I shook my head.

"Well what's his is mine and what's mine is only mine" she shrugged.

"I don't think that's how it goes" Harry laughed.

"And your not married so it really doesn't apply.." I teased.

"Oh well he's mine until I say otherwise" she rolled her eyes.

We heard a knock at the door and Lo stepped out of the room.

"Ok Harry this shit is making Niall look real bad" Lo yelled from the door. We looked at each other confused.

She walked back into the living room holding a single rose.

"What?" Harry sat up.

"She's right you have got to stop sending me these it's too sweet. I need to send you something every now and then" I laughed getting up. I took the rose from Lo bringing it to my nose.

"What are you talking about? I haven't been sending you any roses!" He stood up.

"What?" I half laughed he was definitely joking.

"Charlie I haven't sent you any flowers except on our first date" he ran his hand through his curls.

"That's not can't be.." I dropped my hand away from my face.

"Char I'm telling you I didn't send that one or any other ones"

"Then who would send it Harry?" I was feeling slightly panicked. I had just assumed it was him. The first one he signed but the rest were left blanke.

"How long have you been getting these?" He pulled it from my hand.

"Weekly! All this time I thought it was you though" I felt sick. Who would send them? Why would someone I don't know send me flowers?

"Was there a note? Did you see anybody out there Lo?" Harry moved to the door.

"No it fell on the floor when I opened the door. I didn't see anybody.." She looked as freaked out as I did.

Harry walked back in the room. He snatched his keys from the table and turned again.

"Where are you going?" I jumped up. On his heels as he moved to the door.

"It's fucking Liam!" He growled.

"Harry you don't know that it could be anybody. Surly he would not be that stupid after everything that happen" I tried to reason with him. I didn't know what he was going to do but the thought of him getting hurt or in trouble made me nauseous.

"Stay here Charlie!" He opened the door.

"No! Harry stop! Please don't go to Liam's" he was shaking. Anger twisting his beautiful face.

"Please babe don't go over there." I begged.

"I have to! He needs to stop with the fucking games. I'll be fine" he kissed me before pulling away and walking out of the door.

"Charlie he will be fine. If it is Liam Harry needs to handle it"

"Lo what if Liam hurts him or Harry gets in trouble for hurting Liam" I felt the tears on the brim of my eyes.

"Honey he will be fine look at me" she held my face in her hands.
"Harry knows what he's doing"

"But Lo Liam is fucked up we know that now what if-"

"Stop! It will be ok relax" she ordered.

Relaxing was the last thing on my mind. I was going to worry about Harry until he came through the door again.

Harry's POV.

Liam would be the one to do some shit like this. He obviously didn't understand me when I told him to stay away from her. When I arrived to his frat house I made my way to the door. It was locked this time so I slammed my fist against the cold wood. Nobody was answering but I saw a black BMW pull into the parking area. I walked over and of course the asshole exiting the vehicle was just who I was looking for.

"Why are you here?" He barked.

I didn't bother answering him, I swung my fist and he ducked.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He backed away.

"I should fucking kill you! Did you not hear me the first time when I said stay away from Charlie" I grabbed him by his shirt slamming him into the trunk of his car. "You think sending those fucking roses is a game?"

"What roses? I haven't gone near her get off me!" He shoved me away. I wasn't prepared for him to fight back so when he swung connecting his fist with my cheek I was thrown off balance. He took the chance to apply another blow to my stomach. I hunched over trying to push through the pain. His fist slammed into my stomach a second time as I felt my chest tightening. Not again. Not right now. I rushed him with my shoulder to the ground. Straddling his waste and pulling my fist back before delivering several blows to his nose and mouth. His head slammed into the gravel under the force. The blood ran down his face from the fresh wound to his already bruised nose. He appeared to be knocked out from my assault. I got up and stumbled away. Between the pain in my chest and the blows to my stomach I felt like I was going to pass out. I hadn't given him the beating I was hoping for. So what better way to finish the job then fucking with his pride and joy. I noticed a brick in the grass near by. I walked over picking it up. I launched it as hard as I could at his windshield. It landed in the middle shattering nearly the whole thing. His alarm went off sure to draw attention. I saw his legs moving and knew he was waking up. I stumbled back over to him. He was laying on his side holding the new bloody nose he had received.

"Stay the fuck away from her!" I barked. He groaned and I couldn't resist the urge to kick him in the stomach. A louder groan was heard at my actions as I backed away.

The tightness in my chest was increasing. I had an extra inhaler in my glove box. I opened the door and immediately flung the compartment open. Twice in one day? I needed to learn to control my temper.

"Where the fuck is it?" I tossed papers and random shit out of the compartment but came up empty handed.

Fuck this is not good. I sat back in my seat. I gripped my chest trying to calm myself down. I closed my eyes but I couldn't push through the pain of not being able to breath. It felt like someone had sat a 300 pound weight on my chest. I needed to get home quick or this was going to go real bad.

I turned the keys and pulled on to the road. I continued holding my chest as I drove as fast as I could back to the apartment. My dad's words replayed in my head. 'So big and tough now but you still need your inhaler when you get worked up'. He was such a dick. Him and Liam could go to hell. My vision started to blur but I was so close to the apartment I could taste it.

Charlie's POV

"Wait he went to Liam's alone?" Niall looked from me to Lo and back.

"Yea I tried to stop him but-"

"Fuck! Why didn't he just wait for me.. " Niall grabbed his keys and stormed over to the door. I was right behind him as Lo locked the door.

We all ran down the stairs but when we got to the bottom, we were not prepared for what we saw. Harry was stumbling through the door. He gripped his chest as loud grunts escaped his lips.

"Harry!" We ran over Niall pulled his arm around his shoulder. I gripped his waste helping lead him to the boys apartment. Lo took Niall's keys unlocking the door. We got him in and over to the couch.

"In--inhaler...I need...can't--brea--breath" his chest was heaving up and down.

"Where is it?" Niall yelled.

"Back pack! I'll get it!" I ran to his room tearing through the black bag until I found the small white tube. I rushed back to the living room. Holding it in his mouth and squeezing the pump. His breaths became longer more relaxed after another minute. He was able to take the pump from me and take another puff before setting it down. I could see a bruise forming on his left cheek. Liam had fought back this time. Harry laid down closing his eyes. Niall sat in the chair next to the couch. Lo on his lap resting her head on his shoulder.

I sat on the floor next to the couch. My eyes locked on Harry's sleeping frame. This was not ok, the shit with Liam was suppose to be over. I couldn't have Harry nearly dying to protect me. It was just to much all of it. Harry's dad, Liam. I Just wanted to scream. Why couldn't life be a little less complicated for five minutes. I stood up Niall and Lo looked up at me.

"I um..I need to go for a walk or something"

They nodded and I walked to the door quietly slipping from the apartment. I stepped outside the cold November air nipping at any exposed skin. I was cold but I didn't want to go back inside for a jacket. I walked down the street not heading to any particular destination. I just wanted to be away from the apartment.

"Charlie!" I looked up. A familiar blonde waved from a white car.

"Hey Lea" I smiled.

"Where are you going?" She opened the door hoping out.

"Um I was just walking to get some fresh air.." I half smiled.

"Why are you always sad when I see you?" She teased.

"I don't know a lot going on I guess." I stated shrugging. I still didn't know her that well but she seemed ok.

"Well we should get something to eat" she smiled.

"I don't know I really should be getting back to be Harry wasn't feeling well and -"

"And I'm sure he will feel much better if we get something to eat and you bring him back some ice cream" she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the car.

"I didn't bring my purse or anything. I really should get back" I tried gently pulling away.

"It's on me now get in!" She laughed.

Great I just wanted to be alone. I needed to clear my head and that wasn't going to happen with Lea. She was nice but I needed to be alone with my own thoughts.

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