Chapter 4

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I finished unpacking my room. Around 8 Lo busted in with her idea of a wardrobe malfunction.

"Charlieeee" she whined.

"Hold still Lo I will stab you with this needle" I threatened.

"No! Blood doesn't go with these shoes!" She screeched.

"Oh my god you are so dramatic." I rolled my eyes. "Ok done!"

She looked at herself in my full length mirror.

"Damn I look good!"

It was was true. She has perfect tan skin. Long legs. Her hair pined up in a cute bun. Her make up was always fresh and eye popping. She worked out more than me so she definitely could wear the short dress that I had just saved from the depths of hell in her eyes.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" She pushed her bottom lip out. That normally would have worked but the last thing I needed was to be around drunk Harry. If sober Harry attacks me in saunas drunk Harry will have me...well I won't go there. I fanned myself at the thought.

"I'm sure. Have fun call me if you need me" I smiled.

She nodded and danced out of my room.

"You're so dumb" I laughed as she booty popped past my door.

By 9:30 there was so much noise below me that I'm sure the neighbors above me could hear it.

I rolled my eyes when I heard a crowed of guys chanting "CHUG CHUG CHUG"

Typical college guys. It's not a real party unless someone gets their stomach pumped.

I attempted to watch tv but it was impossible to hear over the cheers and screaming. Not to mention the walls were vibrating from the music.

Around 11 I tried going to sleep. That was a fail. I think someone had blurred lines on repeat. All I could hear was "I know you want it, I know you want it. But you're a good giirrrl" I rolled over in my bed starring at the ceiling. I looked at my clock 1:17am.

"Kill me now!" I yelled to the empty walls surrounding me.

I finally decided to get up at 2, to go down and tell them to wrap it up. I put on my skinny jeans and threw a green v-neck over my head. I threw my hair up into a messy bun and grabbed my ray bans. I was not putting in contacts for this. I slipped on my green converse and headed down the stairs.

The party was literally in the hallway when I reached the bottom floor, so there was no need to knock. It didn't even look like people were filtering out it looked like more were coming in.

"Is this a fucking joke" I mumbled to myself as I pushed through the crowed to get into the apartment.

I forced my way to the kitchen. No sign of Harry, Niall or Lo. I made my way to the living room. Spotting Lo's dress. She was sitting on the arm of the couch leaning on Niall. He had his arm around her shoulders as he talked to another guy. I moved across the room. Several guys groping my butt as I past. I glared at the perverts causing them to quickly apologize before carrying on with the rest of the party.

"Lo!" I yelled over the music.

"Charlie!" She squealed. Her arms were around my neck in an instant. Oh boy was she drunk.

"Hey Charlie" Niall yelled and gave me a smile.

"Hey.." I smiled with a small wave as Lo continued to hug me.

"Ok that's good" I said patting her back. "Ok you can let go now. Lo?"

When she didn't respond I looked at her and she was knocked out. Great I'll be cleaning up vomit tomorrow no doubt. She was trashed.

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