Chapter 65

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~Ok I'm back. You guys are super supportive and very understanding I couldn't ask for better readers!!! I must say how thankful I am for 100k reads!!! Wow! I still can't believe it! You all are so amazing. Trust me I could not continue "Breathing" without your support and encouragement. You literally made my day when I saw that!!! I hope I didn't scare you off with my authors note. I just get random comments from people that upset me sometimes. I try to look past them but I was already having a bad day and that sent me over the edge. From here on out I will take the high road and ignore them. I never promised this story would be perfect or mistake free. I enjoy writing it and you all enjoy reading it and that's all that matters. I love you guys more than Harry loves bananas...thats a lot of love trust me ;) ~

Chapter 65

"What did he say to you?" Gemma held me away from her after I'd soaked her shoulder in tears. Worry etched on her face.

"He wants me to leave Harry and have an abortion. He offered me $100,000." My lips trembled as I repeated the words. The balled up check in my pocket the only evidence of our meeting.

"What? An abortion? Charlie I'm so sorry. I should of fought harder to keep you from going but Harry.." She trailed off.

"I know. You tried and I should have listened. I just thought that I could finally settle this with him. I had no idea he was this vindictive!"

"Does Harry know you're here?"

"Do you think he would let me come without him or at all if he did?" I frowned.

"No that was a silly question" she half smiled. "Do you need a ride home. I'm suppose to meet my dad but I can tell him I'll be late"

"No it's ok I know how he is about being on time" Truth was I didn't care about Gemma being on time. The thought of riding with her after our almost accident made me nauseous. Besides Harry would lose his shit if I didn't call him and came home with Gemma instead.

"Are you sure?"

"Yea it's ok. I'll take a taxi" I smiled. My eyes still burned from the tears but I had calmed down for the most part.

She nodded hugging me before turning to walk into the hotel.

"I'll text you?" She turned back.

"Yea ok" I nodded.

"Be careful and don't worry about my dad. You don't need to be stressed out." She smiled turning again.

I know Gemma had not proved to be the most trustworthy, but I couldn't help feeling like she really was sorry for what happen that day. Harry may not have wanted to give her another chance but why couldn't I?

I waved down a taxi. As soon as I got in I went to work on fixing the little make up I had put on before leaving. I texted Harry letting him know I would be ready soon so he could meet me on campus. He immediately called me to say he was in the middle of something and Lo would be picking me up.

I was relieved to be honest. I was still worked up on the inside and Harry would surly see through my attempts of hiding it. Lo would too but I could easily distract her with baby or wedding talk.

I had only been waiting a few minutes when Lo drove up. Honking her horn unnecessary amounts of times just to be annoying.

"Hey" I forced a smile.

"Hey? What's wrong with you?" She eyed me pulling back on to the road.

"Nothing. Just tired" I smiled again hoping it seemed like a legit answer.

"Uh huh." She narrowed her eyes before accepting that I wasn't going to elaborate. "So Harry and Niall are working on Aidan's room and I'm suppose to keep you away from the apartment for a while"

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