Chapter 54

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Chapter 54

"Dad No! Put him down! Mom do something"

This had not gone at all like we planned.

"You son of a bitch! I told you she had a plan! I even asked you to use protection because I knew this would happen!"

Harry's back was slammed into the wall.

"I'm sorry! I know. It was an accident Mr. Brooks. Please put me down"

"Tom stop this madness!" My mom grabbed my dad's arm.

"I should kick your ass all the way back to England!"

"Dad please, this is both of our faults. Please just put him down" I begged.

Harry's feet were barely touching the floor. His hands gripping my dad's wrist.

"Mr. Brooks I'm going to fix this I swear. I'm going to take care of Charlie and Buzz" he pleaded.

"What the fuck is a buzz?" My dad slammed him again.

"The baby! Buzz is the baby!" Harry huffed.

"Dad please." He looked at me standing next to him.

"You had a plan Charlie. You're so close to reaching your dreams. I want you to be happy. You have been through so much and now this" my dad's heart was breaking in front of me. I needed to do something to prove Harry and I could handle this.

"Dad Harry will make sure that happens. He makes me happy. He will make sure the baby and I have everything we need. I love him and he loves me."

"Charlie you're not even together! You said it yourself! You weren't giving him another chance"

"You said that?" Harry looked hurt.

I gave him a look that screamed shut up.

"We are back together." I breathed.

"What?" Harry and my dad both said in unison. I shot him another look.

"We are back together. For good this time, right Harry?" I eyed him.

"Yes! Yes we're back together! See I told you I would fix it. You told me to and I did" Harry shook his head.

"The only reason I'm not beating you into this wall is because I don't want Charlie to be a single parent!" My dad growled. Shoving him once more before finally setting him back on his feet.

"Are you ok?" I cupped his cheek.

"I'm fine." He straightened his shirt.

"Charlie I think your father needs some time to let this sink in" she suggested.

"What about you mom? Are you mad too?" I was already upset that I had disappointed my dad.

"Sweetie I've known for at least two weeks" She looked away from me.

"What?" I was confused. I had only known myself for four days.

"Honey, the stomach flu strikes throughout the day verses just in the...morning" she half smiled. "Of course I know these things, after all I did give birth to you"

"Why didn't you say something? Why didn't you tell me to go to the doctor sooner?" I eyed her.

"Baby I knew you would figure it out. I guess a part of me hoped I was wrong" she sighed.

"Dad are you-"

"Please Charlie just, just don't say anything else" he covered his face with both hands sighing deeply.

"Let's go Harry" I started to walk towards the door.

"I'm really sorry. We were carful it just kind of happened."

"Get out of my house Styles!" My dad barked.

Harry nodded.

"I'm actually going to grab some stuff" I turned heading towards my bedroom. Harry followed close behind.

I still had plenty of clothes left at the apartment. I only grabbed my school stuff and a few other belongings I would need. Harry swung my back pack over his shoulder. Standing in front of me he eyed me.

"Are you ok?"

"I'll be ok. My dad just needs time and maybe he will come around" I felt the urge to cry again.

"Why are you crying? It's ok we will get everything figured out" he pulled me to his chest. "I love you so much Charlie. Please trust me when I say I will take care of you and Buzz"

I nodded against his chest.

"Come on let's go home" he kissed the top of my head, before taking my hand as we walked to the door. We were passing the living room and I noticed my dad standing in front of the fireplace. His eyes locked on a picture of me when I was about 5 or 6. I stepped towards him letting Harry's hand go. My mom noticed and shook her head. I debated saying something but decided against it.

"Are you ready?" He whispered.

I nodded and Harry placed his hand on the small of my back. Nudging me towards the door.


I turned back to my mom. She crossed the room. Standing in front of Harry and I.

"You know we love you and Harry" she was fighting tears. "We just need time to take all of this in. You understand don't you?" She grabbed my hand.

"Yea of course" That was the hardest lie to tell. I understood my parents being upset, but acting like they couldn't look at me, My dad attempting to make Harry a permanent wall fixture. It was too much. She hugged me. I pulled away opening the door.

"Take care of her Harry"

"I will"

"Harry. Let's go" I called.

We stepped out. The door closing behind us.

"That went well" Harry stated dryly.

"Yea. Just imagine telling your dad now" I raised my brow.

"Let's do it in a padded room. I don't know if my back can take much more" he huffed.

I shook my head at his bad joke.

"What names have you picked out?"

"Lo I'm like 8 weeks. I'm just now starting to show." I laughed.

"What about Max?"

"What is with everybody assuming its a boy?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well Harry's picked out names with Niall so-"

"What?" I was confused. He hadn't mentioned anything to me.

"Yea I walked in on Harry and Niall googling baby names" she snorted.

"Seriously? He's way more into this than I thought." I smiled thinking about Harry scrolling through baby names.

"Niall said he's great with kids. I guess freshman year they both worked with the daycare on campus or something." She shrugged.

The thought of Harry and Niall changing diapers was amusing. Niall seemed like he would be calm and careful. Harry however came off as the gagging, can't handle the smell type. I would have to ask him about it though.

"I'm craving frozen yogurt sooo" I bit my bottom lip.

"You really do have the best cravings. If I start to get a bump I blame you! "she teased. "Let's go"

Harry's POV

"Lo said they went to get yogurt" Niall typed a quick message back.

"Tell them to bring me some back" I laughed.

"Bro you keep eating what Charlie eats, and people are going to think you're giving birth to something as well" Niall joked.

"Shut up!"

"So what's the plan?" He laid back on the couch.

"For what?" I frowned sitting in the recliner, kicking off my shoes.

"Well are you staying here now? Or is she still wanting to go to California?"

"I don't know we haven't talked about that" California was Charlie's plan but under the circumstances, I would imagine it be put on hold.

"Can you imagine raising a kid in Cali?"

"Hey as long as I'm with Charlie it doesn't really matter where we are." I shrugged.

"Ok you say that now" he laughed. "What about your dad? You haven't mentioned anything lately"

"Yea about that..." I grabbed the remote turning on the TV. Hopefully he would change the subject.


Guess not.

"I might of told him Charlie and I are over." He sat up. Shock crossing his face. "I also might have let him think I was coming back to London.."

I flipped through the channels avoiding his gaze.

"Harry. Tell me that wasn't the plan you came up with" he closed his eyes.

"What? He's off my back. Charlie doesn't know about anything. And It bought me more time to think of a real plan."

"That's a horrible idea. Your dad is going to freak out more than he already has. When he finds out not only have you not broken up, but you have knocked her up. He is going to fucking kill you." He was more worried than I was.

"He won't kill me." I released a deep sigh. "He will hopefully just let all of this go"

"Since when has your dad let anything stop him from getting his way?" He frowned.

"Niall chill ok. I have control of the situation. Just let me handle it"

He shook his head.

"If your dad doesn't kill you Charlie will for sure" he raised his brow.

"What's your plan for Lo?" I was desperate for a subject change. Even if that meant talking about his plans for his own relationship.

"Well I'm glad you asked. I will be needing help around graduation..."he smirked.

"With what?" I eyed him cautiously.

"Giving her this..." He smiled as he passed me his phone. I looked at the screen and felt my eyes go wide.

"Niall? Are you serious?"

"Very. I've had it picked out for at least 2 months"

"So when we talked in Cali. You already knew what you wanted?" I shook my head.

"Yea. I knew what I wanted after the first date" he chuckled."You should think about picking out one of your own for Charlie" he narrowed his eyes smirking again.

"Always a head of you bro. In fact I already have it here"

His mouth hung open.

"Are you serious? How? These things are fucking expensive"

"Well not everybody is dating queen of fashion. The one I got is much simpler and Charlie will love it"

"Show me!" He frowned.

"Fine. I'll be right back" I got up walking towards my room.

A knock on the front door stopping me in my tracks.

"Hold on ill get it in a second." I turned back to the door. Not bothering to look through the peephole. I pulled it open.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Don't sound so excited to see me" she smirked.


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