{71} I Hate That...

315 27 7

July 6th 2015, 02:55

Because I know that no matter how many times I convince myself that I'm over him, and butterflies won't form in my stomach when my eyes fall on him... I know, with the dissatisfaction of my heart, that whenever he needs me I'll be there for him, I would listen to anything he has to say and I would help and talk him through it. I hate that I would go back to him in a heartbeat. I would not even have to think about it. I hate that I let him become this part of me, part of my mind. He's always lingering in my head. I hate that I would do anything to just hold his hand one more time. I hate that I miss him to the point that everything around me reminds me of him. I don't know how I allowed myself to get so attached to someone who had not even had real feelings for me the entire time. But I will still miss him while he is happy with someone else.

~ Zeina

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