♥{70} For You

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April 26th 2017, 06:50

They say that we're all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness. They call it love. But I call it friendship, true friendship.

It is at last that I write for you, my bestfriend, my soulmate who always gets me when I don't even say a word, who cracks my code when I'm talking in circles and who'll always feel me even when we're miles apart.

They say if you have good friends you have your own good family. So now I have the mother who will always love me unconditionally, the wise father who will guide me when I'm lost, the protective brother who will always have my back, and the sister who is my bestfriend and my partner in crime.

To all the weirdness we've been through and to all the craziness that we'll embrace, thank you.

Thank you for being the cure to my depression and the support system I needed. Thank you for being with me in sickness and in health, in my joy and in my pain, at my highest and at my lowest.

Thank you for loving me for who I am, loving me at my worst [on Mondays], loving me when I'm unlovable and loving me when I thought no one else loved me.

Thank you for showing me how special I am when I thought I'll never be enough.

Thank you for believing in me when I was too weak and exhausted to believe in myself. Thank you for pushing me, for repeating those affirmations that don't mean anything in inspirational films but mean everything when someone who cares about you says them.

Thank you for not judging me when I did something really stupid, instead you laughed and joined in my stupidity. But mostly thank you for being honest and telling me when I was being an idiot.

Thank you for being a shoulder to cry on. Thank you for letting me rest on your lap. Thank you for always reminding me of who I am when I forget.

Thank you for being genuinely concerned with the outcomes of my life and always listening, even when you're tired. Thank you for every conversation we had and every moment of silence we shared.

Thank you for making me laugh so hard I've had water come out of my nostrils, for all our inside jokes and all those monumental awkward moments we look back on and smile about.

Thank you for choosing me. You aren't just a friend to me, you're a soul friend - the type of person who changes someone's life, who makes everything so much better.

But most importantly thank you for being my human mirror and for sharing your food with me. LOL

No seriously,
Thank you for simply being you, because, to put it lightly - I adore the shit out of you.

And I promise you..
I promise to keep protecting you from your no. 1 enemy, the Sun.
I promise to keep understanding you so you know that there is someone else in the world who gets you on a level most people don't.
I promise to keep motivating you to do more, see more and feel more.

Love always,

Your Best Friend.

~ Zeina

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