{58} Nour Nawar

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"I am an illiterate who dares not learn the alphabet of you
An ignorant, condemned among a few
Never to trespass his boundaries...

You sway your tongue in ways I wasn't taught
And your lips move, to escape uncaught
And then, there are words I never comprehend
Collapsing all over me, into a war that shall never end...

And then, you do this thing
I am amazed, I think...

And as you retrace those curving lines
Over and over, before the eyes of mine
With fingers so soft, bending with grace
With hands so free, swinging with pace
I ignore what to follow...
A map I could not read,
Or a voice with different creed?

As you see, I'm short on knowledge when it comes to you
Excuse my ignorance, but you wouldn't let me through
As if there was something hidden, mysteriously forbidden!
Something discrete, cautiously handwritten
All over your mind...

But I am an illiterate who dares not learn the alphabet of you
An ignorant, condemned among a few
Never to trespass his boundaries...

And then, you do this thing
I am amazed, I think..."

~Nour Nawar (IG : @fakkart)

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