{89} Ego

103 16 6

July 17th 2017, 04:55

I know it's risky and unfashionable, but I think there's something worthwhile in asking someone to stay. In laying down your pride, and saying, "You know what? My ego doesn't matter anymore, because I'd rather lose an argument than lose you." There is something in saying "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you close and I won't let go", and actually proving every word you mean, every promise.
If you love somebody so much that you're willing to devote hours of your life every day to talk to them, to think about the things they said, to buy them meaningful presents or make them food, or listen to entire albums that you know they love, is it really so difficult to swallow your pride and say "No, I can't watch you leave. Stay. I want you to stay because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me"? Is it really impossible to cast aside your stubborness, your "leave if you want to, I won't stand in your way" and replace it with honesty? Because if the truth is you want to beg, you want to cry, you want to say "goddammit I have never ever felt this way about another person and I know if you leave you'll leave behind an empty mess", then that's love, right?
No it's not shameful to admit your love, on the contrary, it is humbling.
Some people are meant to go. It doesn't matter what you say, they'll be on the next train out of town or even on the next flight out of country.
But some people are waiting for you to say you care too much to let them leave in silence.

Leave your pride, ego, and narcissism somewhere else and just give it a chance.

~ Zeina

Wassup my homies! Hope you're all enjoying your time and following your passions :)
Positive parts are on their way 🔜 because honestly what's life without love and happiness?

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