{47} She Knew

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December 11th 2016, 11:11

She knew the real him, the one no one else knew, no one else saw and no one else understood. She knew all his secrets, all his regrets, all his dreams and all his flaws. She knew what he liked for breakfast and the way he liked his coffee. She knew when he was upset, when he was mad, when he was genuinely happy without him saying a word.

She loved him even though he dragged her through hell and back. Even though she was never his first option she still loved him. Even though she was only a shoulder to cry on when his girlfriend leaves him, she still loved him.
She stuck by his side for as long as she could. She was loyal, loving, committed and faithful, but it wasn't enough for him. She changed herself just to meet his standards and show him she was willing to do whatever he needed her to do. She sacrificed her entire life for a person who wouldn't and won't ever sacrifice a day in their life for her.

It should be a lesson after all.

~ Zeina

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