♥{12} The Fall

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January 28th 2017, 17:55

I was sitting with my daughter watching the sun melting in the ocean when she suddenly asked me.

"Why do we call it 'falling in love'?"

I glanced at her for a moment, surprised by her sudden question but noticed that she was still contemplating the sunset. So I returned my glance to the phenomenon and managed to reply.

"Oh, it's because that's how it exactly feels like.

It is a free fall.

When people love, they spread their wings wide, close their eyes and throw their bodies into the abyss.

Into the unknown."

"But isn't it dangerous 'falling in the unknown'? Why would a sane human being do that?" She questioned again.

"You're right honey. He doesn't. Because only fools fall in love." I sighed heavily and continued "But you know... The best - and worst - part of the fall is the landing my dear."

"Why is that?" She looked at me skeptically.

"Because someone is opening their arms wide, waiting for them to land safely in their embrace." I smiled imagining the scene.

"Why is it also the worst part then?"

I took a deep breath and answered her last question.

"Well, because sometimes there's no one waiting for the fallen people. Because sometimes... we fall for the ones who are waiting to catch another fool."

Those people hit the ground really hard. That's why unrequited love hurts. It hurts really bad.

~ Zeina

[A/N] I finally published this part, and it is my favorite so far!
I'd really like to know your opinion on it.

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