♥{104} The One

104 10 7

May 7th 2018, 00:25

What does one do when everything they've ever wished for is right in front of them?
Don't we all wait our whole life to find someone who makes us the happiest human on the entire planet?
Don't we all want someone to share our most beautiful secrets with?
So what do we do when we finally meet that "someone", and it's so clear that the two of us belong together on some level? It could be as friends, or lovers, or something else entirely.
In the blink of an eye we start depending on them. They become the source of our happiness because... let's put it lightly? They make us feel alive.
They're no longer an acquaintance, but an essential part of our life.

I don't believe in coincidence, or luck. But I do believe that everything happens for a reason. It's as if the Universe had a meticulous plan to make these two strangers meet, even under the strangest circumstances.

Sometimes I'd look at you, you'd look at me, and we'd just... know. Our eyes speak more than our mouths ever do. Some of your glances say "I want you right now" and some of mine whisper "it's okay I'm here" but mostly "I'm hungry, I want pizza". It's this secret world that exists right there. In public. Unnoticed. That no one else knows about, but us. It's sort of like living in another dimension, just like the many dimensions that exist all around us but we don't have the ability to perceive them.

We both know what we are and what we aren't, we just never found a way to put it into words yet. And it's really scary. Scary, because sometimes we believe we've found our perfect match, but what if we cannot have them?

~ Zeina

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