{103} Different

89 10 14

February 7th 2018, 11:00

It's not easy being the odd one out.
It's not easy being a puzzle piece that just doesn't fit in.

But what's wrong with that?

What's wrong with staying at home to watch your favourite series on a Friday night when everyone is out getting wasted?
What's wrong with zoning out into a world of your own for a while, a pencil in hand and a blank paper waiting for you to unleash your creativity while everyone is dreadfully listening to the boring professor?
There is nothing wrong with being whisked away by deducing people in a café while everyone is busy gossiping.
There is nothing wrong with paying attention to the band playing in the pub while everyone is chatting over the beautiful music.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being different.

But when your circle starts to tighten, when your once were close friends slowly turn into strangers, and when you spend your birthday curled up in a pile of blankets with no one to celebrate with, no happy birthday messages to make you feel loved and remembered...

You may wish it could all just stop.
You may wish to be like everyone else, to pick up a normal life, to follow the boring norms and stop being different.

"Would my friends have stayed  hadn't I come out to them? Would my mom have still loved me had I applied to the major she chose me? Would my roommate haven't left the apartment had I had more control over my OCD?"

In times like these you wish you could 'belong' to something, to someone maybe.

You wish you could starch your edges and lines, iron them 'till you become the puzzle piece that finally fits in.
But is it really a 'perfect' destiny to finally belong to a mundane, limited, innovative-less existence?

Maybe it's perfect for most of the people surrounding you.

But you're not most people.

You're that 1-percenter.

Embrace your differences.
You're unique because the generic rules do not apply to you.
Create your own rules and guidelines.
The reality will certainly accuse you of craziness, surrender to it and you'll never achieve innovation.

Look around you at all the mega-successful.
Do you think they've reached their success because they followed what everyone else was doing?

Of course not. Those people do not succumb to society's norms. They do their own things, in their own ways.

Think out of the box.
Refuse to fit into the standard packaging.

Tune in to yourself.
But surround yourself with people who are different nevertheless.
Create connections.
Put aside your fear of rejection and invest yourself in face-to-face social activity.
Choose your own circle and never assume that you have nothing to offer.

Appreciate your uniqueness because it is what makes you you.

Never freeze.
Strive for achievements and use your talents and skills as your force to turn your dreams into reality.

And remember, you can't do it alone.
Put your ego aside and allow others to accompany you on your journey.
Mostly remember that you're not alone.

~ Zeina

For that special someone.

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