♥{98} Go For It

101 16 8

October 7th 2017, 03:20

You're not in love with them anymore, you only want to be.
You know you're falling for another, but you're afraid.
Don't be.
Please, just this time, go for the one who makes you happy, and not the one who is a challenge.
Go for the one whose smile is the main cause of your heart leaping out of your chest, and not the one who gives you a one-sided cheeky smirk.
Go for the one who whenever their bright green eyes sparkle, your breathing becomes rapid and you can't stop drowning in those wonderful breathtaking eyes, not the one who makes you lose yourself in their big brown eyes that never settle on you.
Go for the one who is cute and sweet, not the one who thinks that ignoring you will make things more interesting.
Go for the one who checks up on you every hour of every day, and not the one who forgets to reply to your texts and never calls.
Go for the one who will make you breakfast in the morning, not the one who leaves you with an empty cold bed at 3am.
Go for the one who will treat you like royalty, and not the one who thinks you're just like every other name they add to their list of lovers.
Go for the one who is ready to choose you forever, and not the one who can't decide between you and several others.
Go for the one who stays for friday movie night, not the one who leaves for football or girls' night.
Go for the one who will make you see your worth and not the one who will make you question it.
Give yourself a chance at happiness darling.
You deserve it.

And don't forget to be that person yourself.

~ Zeina

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