🔞{91} Vulnerabilities

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[Mature content]

July 28th 2017, 23:00

And as their fingers intertwine, she cannot but notice how their complementary shapes make their hands fit perfectly into each other like a lock and key.

She opens herself and lovingly grants him permission to explore her sacred map, and discover all of the treasures that she keeps within. He has but one mission now and that is to seek out, stimulate, and satisfy every desire she has ever imagined.
So he doesn't hesitate to climb up every mountain, roam over every land, and go down every valley, treasuring every hill, claiming every corner his territory, and leaving his sinful mark on every ground.

As he visits the narrow streets down her thighs, he leaves trails of wet kisses, cherishing her divine scent, sending her into another realm where only Hedone* and Aphrodite* rule. Whilst her intoxicating taste leaves him in a blessing drunken state, that evokes jealousy in Dionysus* himself.

She has constellations written across her back and stars that taste like rum and berries underneath her skin. She has fire raging within her arteries and flowers planted between her ribs. She holds the universe within her and he better admire her majestic soul.

His hands work magic awakening goosebumps on her soft sensitive skin, leaving her breathless, panting for air, grasping whatever her hands could reach to bring him closer, as if it was even possible.

In this exact moment, all that matters is his hot breath blowing on her neck, arousing her sensations as they spread out heating every cell in her body, and eliciting sweet moans that escape from her swollen lips and create a symphony only he could hear.

Their vulnerabilities now completely exposed to one another, yet there is no regret.
Their bodies shudder in unison as she collapses into his arms. No words need to be spoken so they just lie there together in silence.

*Hedone: goddess of pleasure and delight.
*Aphrodite: goddess of love.
*Dionysus: god of wine.

~ Zeina

What do you think?
I actually love this one idk 😅

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