{69} What If?

113 19 12

February 27th 2017, 15:00

Do you ever sit and think 'what if?'.
What if you had never said the first 'Hello', or what if your paths had never crossed?
What if you had had just 5 more minutes, or what if you had arrived 5 minutes earlier?
What if you had stayed for one beer, or what if you had shared one more dance?
What if you had looked up from your book the other day in the coffee shop when you heard that deep voice ordering their usual?
What if you had taken the walk home instead of taking a cab?
What if you could turn back time and make it all stand still?
What if things hadn't turned that way?
What if you hadn't met this person?
What if you had never come across this book?

Where would you be? Better? Worse? Less confused? More confused? Happier? Or sadder? Just what if...

~ Zeina

What is your 'what if?'

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