{95} Pain

95 14 16

August 17th 2017, 21:44

You'll try to drink it away.
You'll try to dance it away.
You'll try to sleep it away.
Heck you'll even try to fuck it away.

But take a minute to just admire it.
Take a minute to contemplate the beauty through the Pain.
Take a minute to see what's beyond hurt, sadness, misery, and sorrow.
What if Pain was meant to teach you a lesson after all?
What if..
Pain wanted you to believe in hope, or at least believe in general?
Or perhaps it is there to make you believe that Pain is a part of normal life, all one can do is take up the challenge and learn from it.
Just take a moment to think, what if all the hate and hurt you've endured will provide you with grace and patience.

I know you're probably struggling with the thoughts inside of your own mind as you deal with difficult outside circumstances, that you've become too weak to deal with the rest of life. So you'll hope for things to get better, that these feelings would drown. But the violence of these emotions is too great to be contained, so instead, it'll erupt like a volcano and flow over your mental health.

Sometimes life is a little difficult, and sometimes that difficulty makes us want to give up. But I'm here telling you that instead of giving up, you sometimes have to face the pain and find out what you can learn from it.

Because -as much as I hate to admit it-Pain will never go away, it'll live and prosper as long as you're trying to push it away.
So you're going to meet it head-on instead of running away from it.
And. You. Will. Beat. Its. Ass.

Stay strong warriors, and fight your battle.

~ Zeina

Words I'll Never SayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang