♥{6} Say You Love Me Too

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January 9th 2017, 00:22

I love you. I think I've loved you since the moment we met, I was just too afraid to admit it. Because how can you possibly love someone when all you know is that their laugh sounds like old records on a Sunday and their favorite color is navy? But damn, do I ever love you. I love the way your voice changes when you talk about your family. I love that you're passionate about everything, from basketball to adventure movies.
Can't you tell I'm in love with you? I've loved you every minute of every day of every month that I've known you. It's like no matter how hard I try to get you out of my head it's no good.
Wherever I go, I keep imagining how it would be like having you with me. Making memories together. I want to visit bookshops and music stores and coffee shops with you. I want to talk to you every second of the day. I want to watch movies with you and cuddle and cook for you.
I just want to tell you that I love you. I know I pretend like I don't but I do. And I'm sorry it took me so long to say it but I couldn't risk having my heart broken. So this is it. This is my profession of love for you. My frozen-in-time, all-or-nothing, embarrassing confession that I'm in love with you and that I have been for years. Ever since your brown eyes met mine in art class.
The moment you held me tight against your warm chest the night we spent on the beach, I knew that you were a disease I'll never recover from. But what I never told you that night was that all I wanted to do was keep holding you forever and never leave your embrace. That was the moment I realized that I needed you and I've just been scared that if I ever said any of this you'd leave. That maybe I wouldn't be good enough because you're amazing and I'm just me.
But now I see it. You look at me the same way I look at you. I was too blind to see it before but it's not just me. We're in this together. So please, just tell me I'm not crazy.
Say you love me too.

~ Zeina

Every page I wrote was yours.
Even when I thought it was for someone else, it has always been for you.

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