{86} Nature

95 17 7

July 11th 2017, 19:00

Sadly the definition of the normal human being has become that the individual has to fit with the society and follow what it dictates. Even if the society is wrong, even if it's insane. We have become utterly addicted to the forms of the suburban and modern life that we have forgotten our roots; "remember man that you are dust and into dust you shall return."
So why don't we spend some time with our mother Nature, know her better while we still have a chance? Because that chance doesn't last forever, it may be gone before we know it.

While the society has its own investments and the individual has to be sacrificed, Nature offers us numerous opportunities without anything in return. From comfort and peace, to meditation and serenity. While the society is nothing more than an institution, Nature is a soul. After all, the more we connect to Nature, the more we have a soul, the more we nourish it.

So spend some time with our mother Nature, allow the current of the river to wash away your worries, let the birds sing you a relaxing lullaby, permit the flowers to caress your skin and wipe away your tears, grant the sun the satisfaction of melting your sorrows in the sea with every sunset and resurfacing your triumphs with every sunrise. Only then you will experience the true purpose of Nature: healing every part of our being. She is the medicine of the soul, body, and mind.

Set yourself free. Spread your wings wide and fly over the beautiful landscape, take in its scenery. Only when you learn how to accept the moon's lacking nights, the falling stars, the crooked nose on the mountain, the short and skinny trees, the broken wing of a bird, the freckles of the sky... Only when you learn how to accept the flaws of Nature, only then you will accept the flaws of your fellow humans. Because we actually wish on the falling stars, make memories climbing up the rough mountains, and enjoy watching the rainbow after the storm. We consider Nature's flaws as beautiful sights but we find it hard to see beauty in people's physical flaws. That is the true purpose of Nature: a lesson that teaches you the essence of Life.

~ Zeina

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