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Lily Williams's note

Miss me, did you? Oh, but let's not forget, it's your doing that led me down this path of eternal absence, isn't it? Intrigued to uncover why I vanished, why I left you all behind? Brace yourself, for you're about to dive into a maze of revelations that will leave you stunned my dear.

Did the world ever glimpse the torment that consumed me? No, it remained my closely guarded secret. Or did I drop hints in the wind, clues you failed to decipher?

If curiosity burns within you, halt your every action and rush to inform everyone that their pursuit to find where I rest is futile. Tell them the truth, why I surrendered to the nothingness. And oh, Bethany Andrews, spare me your pretentious innocence. You know full well that you're the architect of my demise.

Go ahead, Beth, share this letter like a sinister chain reaction and heed my warning: discard it, and I'll orchestrate a symphony of exposure that will shatter your world.

Bethany, my dear, there's no corner dark enough to conceal your guilt. One glimpse into your eyes, and the world will unravel your facade. They'll see you for who you are, my dear, a tremendous failure.

As for now, delight in the life you've sculpted, with my existence erased. Hope it's utterly spectacular.

Farewell, you wretched soul x

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