Chapter 9

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They are like my own TV show, wherein I am the director. It's so amusing to see how they react. It's comedic how paranoid they get.

Everything is going exactly according to plan, or at least it was, until Bethany told Jake everything, but she met her fate in the end.

It was quite hilarious when Bethany asked Nora why the teacher wrote Fice on the board. Nora was pretty suspicious by her question, but she answered her anyway. Nora said, "He was talking about the foundations in continuing education."

I didn't even plan for it to happen, guess I got lucky.

Everyone is making this game so easy for me. I put an anonymous letter in Austin's locker, saying that if he wants a lot of money, more like 770 dollars, he'll have to kiss Bethany in front of Jake. He did and I payed him. Easy transaction. I just drew the money from his bank account and gave it back to him in cash. He's stupid as fuck.

Bethany fell right into my trap the other day, actually she fell right into the freezer and then into Jake's mouth. I had to watch it all, so I started lowering the temperature in there. I got bored and decided to press a button which sounded like an alarm, to open the door. I had to let them out, I mean, the cat can't play with the mice if they're dead. I'm very satisfied with their kiss, it was my plan from the start.

Like Barbie, like Ken, the dolls the world will despise.

Bethany thinks she can get rid of me. She thinks that she can control the game. It's my game and I will ruin her if she tries to steal it from me.

The more I get to know the two of them, the more secrets I discover. If only Bethany knew what her mother did to her father. It's pretty sad that her father found out about it the day that he had passed away. Guess the shock was a bit too much, or what? To think that so many secrets grew from that one lie her mom told...

Poor Marco. I understand his intentions about what happened that day, the 18th of December, if only Bethany knew the whole truth, but it's way more fun to torture her with it and to let her figure it out by herself.

It's crazy to think that I'm friends with her mom's secret.

Using Lily against them is my best weapon, especially now that they like each other. It's weird how I know everything about them, but yet I'm not so sure if they love each other or if it's just a fling for now.

That video that I sent Bethany like two weeks ago, where the girls are all in Lily's room, reminded her of everything that Lily had done to her.

One year ago Bethany wanted to be friends with Lily, Samantha, Sarah and Alisha, but they shut her out fast.

On their one sleepover they said that they're going to give Beth a makeover. It went from hair cutting, to nails painting, to makeup. Little did Bethany know that it's all a set-up. One big, big lie.

They took pictures of her looking like that and it went viral. I would know, because it was sent to me as well, I still have it. I didn't stalk them at that time, but I knew about them, about their fights. Everyone knew what happened.

They cut her hair short, above her shoulders. It was uneven and they dyed it a weird mustard color. It looked horrible and Bethany knew it, but she thought that they thought it looked nice, so she kept it. The next day at school when everyone saw her, she knew. She knew they had lied to her. She got bullied, for days and days, until it finally grew back. Now she has long, beautiful and silky blonde hair.

Bethany despised them.

Perfect motive to kill someone, don't you think?

There's a part in the video where Lily writes something on a paper and claims it to be a list of ways to get Sarah thin. Poor Sarah, she's not even fat. Anyway, she lied. It was her suicide note. Funny, right? She was only a bitch to Sarah, because she wanted to defend herself. She didn't want anyone to see the note.

Lily was a mystery to everyone, she still is.

Maya recorded that video about the whole scenario at the sleepover when they spoke about Bethany. She joined their clique without Bethany even knowing, she's a little bitch, isn't she?

I never liked Maya, that's why I used her to act like she's Fice. Must say, her acting was pretty good. I just threatened her with the video and she agreed to do it. I forced Logan to do it with her, for it to be more believable. I used his secrets against him as well. They had no choice.

It's like they say: One man's trash, is another's treasure.

Their secrets are my revenge.

I know Bethany feels my pain. She now knows what it feels like not to be able to control your own life. She's just learning the harder way.

They didn't even realize that the person in the hospital, who was in the room next to her, the one who died, is one of their acquaintances.

Funny how life handles these types of situations. How are they not noticing that she died? They're so stupid. She hasn't been to school for a week, well obviously, and they still haven't even noticed.

Whatever, on another topic, the moment when Bethany broke Jake's heart filled my bloodstream with dopamine. My whole body filled with excitement when I knew that I had succeeded. I still have Jake's letter from Lily, but I burnt Bethany's. I can't use it against her anymore if there's two of them. People will know it's fake.

The police car's sirens interrupts my thoughts.

I eavesdrop on this lady and the policeman's conversation and it's about Bethany. They are asking her a ton of questions and the woman is clueless about her disappearance. What would happen if she found out that I am the reason for all of this havoc?

I wonder for how long Bethany can actually stay away. She can't escape me for too long, I will always find her.

My identity will stay hidden.

It's under my control. I'm in charge.

I'm Fice.

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