Chapter 34

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Walking away from him feels wrong. 

It feels like I just got rid of a part of myself, but it was time. It was time for me to let go.

I have been stuck in this rhythm, this mindset, this game, for way too long.

Longer than anyone can handle.

Fice finally stopped pestering us weeks ago. I finally managed to get under Fice's skin.

Fice is indeed our long-lost half-sister, but she does not have to know that I know.

I messaged Fice and told her that our mom told me that it was all a lie and that she's not really our sister. This drove Fice mad. It's exactly what I wanted.

Fice tortured us for months without end, so now I'm getting my payback and no one can stop me from feeling this level of satisfaction.

What my mother did, was psychotic. Roger was her fling back in high school, but he was also her fling when she was married to my dad. Roger had threatened my mom to hurt my dad if she didn't hook up with him now and then. My mom should've just told my dad, but it only got worse.

She got pregnant and not with my dad's child.

With another psychotic man's.

Let me introduce you to Fice's birth. The eldest child of our family. She's a year older than us.

My mother couldn't hide the pregnancy from my father for too long so she lied to him, faking a medical trip of 6 months to Europe. Roger was indeed a doctor so she got away with it easily.

You know what I don't get? Why would Mom even let Roger cure my dad's cancer if she knew how much he hated our dad? He probably said something about how he's changed...boys.

When Roger found out that they were having a girl, he wanted an abortion. My mother wouldn't allow that so she had the baby.

Maya Wilson.

The birth of all my torture.

Roger forced my mother to dump the baby somewhere and little did I know she left the little newborn baby in the dumpster because it was dumpster day or something so everyone was throwing out their trash. She knew that there was hope that someone would find her baby.

I still think the whole thing is insane. You give the kid up for adoption or put the baby in front of someone's door and ring the doorbell. You don't ditch the thing in bacteria that can kill it!

I understand Fice's motive. I will never forgive my mother for what she has done.

Mom booked herself into a mental institution days after we left the dungeon. It's what's best for her.

I also realized that if I accept Fice's pain and remove every aspect of my life that is tied to Fice, I would be completely free. I won't be controlled like a puppet anymore.

I'm not just Fice's little doll anymore.

That's exactly why Jake and I broke up.

We had a very deep conversation and we have decided that it's what's best for us.

Without each other, Fice isn't there anymore.

We are both set free.

The only problem left is Maya. We've hired a PI to spy on her ever since the dungeon. But nothing.

She's done nothing that is even slightly directed towards Fice.

I don't even care who or what Fice is anymore. I have my life back.

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