Chapter 17

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It's already the 18th of December, the last day of school.

Fice hasn't bothered me since that video, until now. I just opened it and it says:

This is getting so boring, really Beth? I thought you were smarter than this. Walk to the triangle tree, now. I'll tell you the truth about Jake, but go there first -🔥❄️

I walk to the tree in fear. It's lunchtime and I don't want anyone seeing me there. The triangle tree isn't just in the form of a triangle, it's also the tree where all the third-wheeling people hang out. You would've thought that the tree was there for the love triangles, but nope, it's for the people who always have to third-wheel their friends. What a school this is.

I go on Fice's chat and read the next message.

You remember what happened here last year right? Yep, that's right, Lily sat here one lunch break. Remember that? How can anyone forget? That was one of Havenhill High's hot gossip topics. She felt so rejected and thought that the only place that she would feel loved, is at the Triangle Tree with the other loners. If only she knew beforehand that rumors would spread -🔥❄️

Right, I remember that. I remember sitting with my friends that day on the small benches when Maya shouted that there was a big fight. We didn't want to miss the first fight of the year.

We all agreed and walked over to the Triangle Tree. It was crowded with more than half of the school watching. We thought that it was some kind of huge fight, but when we got there, we saw that it wasn't. Not at all.

Everyone was circling Lily, trapping her from going anywhere. A huge smile crept on my face. We were all smirking, smiling and Jane even started laughing. Almost no one in our school liked Lily, she was a bully, to say the least. What she did to me was almost unforgiving.

Speaking of, I did forgive her. That day was even worse. When I told her that I forgave her, she laughed right in my face. "I don't give a damn if you forgive me or not," she said, then started laughing.

"Oh, you were serious?" she said, the smile from her face faded, "That's so cute. B-b-b-bye now, B-b-b-Bethany."

And then they all walked away. She always used my stuttering problem against me. Two years ago, I stopped stuttering. I went to speech therapy for a year and then finally stopped.

Anyway, back to that other day, our whole school doesn't like Lily. So they were more than happy to see her alone at the tree. Everyone trapped her from escaping until the principal came to separate us all. There were videos, pictures, and memes going all around the school. It was pretty embarrassing for Lily.

Fice texts me again:

You remember it well, don't you? And do you remember who was the cause of all of that? For Lily being there at the tree? Of course, you won't remember! No one knew. I found out, days after it had happened. A lot of people found out, but you never found out and neither did your friends -🔥❄️

I message back :

Stop signing your name, I already know who you are. So just tell me. Who was the cause and why should I care about something that happened a year ago?

I don't get it. Fice wants to confuse me again and it's working.

I walk away from the tree and on my way to the cafeteria Fice replies and I stop in my tracks.

I'm signing it because I'm giving you clues. You should care, because it's your little lover boy's fault for Lily having that breakdown, poor girl -🔥❄️

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