Chapter 7

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"She can't be dead," the lady shouts loudly for the whole hospital to hear.

When Bethany fainted, I immediately took her to the hospital. Thank goodness my car was still outside when we came out. While we were driving there she was passed out on the backseat. I put on the heater, because I was freezing to the core.

"Ma'am, we know it's hard," the doctor says. The lady is sobbing and shouting really loudly.

"What happened? How did she die?" she shouts again. How many times am I going to hear that sentence. I honestly feel so sorry for her. I really don't want this to happen to Beth. I think she's stable now though, the doctors are taking good care of her.

"We're so sorry ma'am, but there's nothing we can do anymore," they say to her.

"How could I let this happen," the lady cries even more.

I wish I could speak to Bethany right now. Everything happened so fast. From the kiss, to now.

Her mom is freaking out and I tried to explain everything to her, but she kept saying, "I can't lose her too, you don't understand!"

She's walking around the place like a wild animal. The nurse is trying to calm her down and she sits on the chair in the waiting room. I go into Beth's room and she lies there, still.

I take her hand in mine. I always thought she was cute, but I never knew her.

We've been in the same class for two years and the only conversations we ever had is, 'When is this project supposed to be handed in' or 'What's today's date?' or even just 'What pages are we supposed to study for biology?'

So, the basics. She was always a mystery to me, but it's like I never saw her until now.

We were basically thrown together by Fice. Thanks man.

I was never scared of Fice until the freezer incident. It nearly killed us. It nearly killed Beth. Fice is quite physically strong, which scares me. Is it a guy with a vengeance? Or a very strong, mad girl?

The moment I found out that Bethany also got a suicide note from Lily, everything in my mind became scrambled. Lily is blaming us for her death, but who the hell is Fice? A fucking psycho. I swear it's Lily. Did they even find her body? She would've done anything for attention. I never knew how to place her. One moment she's hooking up with Logan, Cody and Austin and then the next moment she starts crying because of how boys uses her.

I don't get it, but I taught her a lesson.

I know for sure that Bethany wasn't friends with Lily. She's friends with Maya, Skyler, Brooklyn, Jane and Nora.

I don't understand what phase Maya is going through and why Logan is going along with it, but I don't care either. Soon she'll realize just how much she needs Beth and what huge mistake she had made.

Logan is the worst actor. He is pretending to be all dark and shady, but I know when he's lying. I know he's not Fice, which means that Maya's not Fice either.

It's just a distraction, that's all. Well, at least I hope so.

I look at Bethany and her eyes are starting to open slowly. When she sees me sitting on her hospital bed and that I'm holding her hand, her whole face lights up. She's slowly gaining her strength again.

"Jake," she breathes when she sits up straight. The doctor comes in, because he probably got an alert that she has woken up.

"It's a rough day," he says and shakes his head.

"Yeah, has she calmed down?" I ask him, referring to that other lady who was screaming her lungs out.

"Her daughter had died and it really was a huge shock, to all of us," he says.

"How did she die?" I ask Dr Carter. "I'm not allowed to give out that information," he says and checks something on the machine that Beth is connected to.

"What happened?" Beth asks confused. Her facial expression is adorable.

"The girl whose room is next to yours in here, had died. Her mother was going crazy and hysterically crying. It got kind of annoying," I say and the doctor smiles.

"Are the two of you together?" he asks and looks at Bethany.

"No, we're um, not," she says. I smile at her reaction because she looks a little embarrassed, but tries to hide it. Every time I see her smile I remember our kiss. It was different to anything I had ever experienced.

"Let's call your mom. She's been quite anxious about not knowing anything," the doctor announces. When her mom comes in she smiles and says, "Sorry that I didn't listen to you earlier. Thank you for taking care of my baby."

"It's my pleasure. I should probably go," I say when I realize that they probably want some time alone.

I turn my head to look at Bethany and she holds out her arms signalling for a hug. "Thank you Jake," she whispers in my ear.

I hold her tightly and I can feel how she is clinging to me.

"I hate Fice for doing this to you."

I make my way to my car and drive home.

The next day...

I walk past my locker and towards Bethany's. She's not there. I turn around to look at Maya's locker and I see Beth standing there, but when her eye catches mine she looks as guilty as ever.

I keep looking at her, or should I say Bethany and Austin. He's holding her so tightly, in a way that boils my blood.

She gives me a small smile and walks right past me.

What just happened? How is she even at school? What did her mom say?

"Beth?" I question when she walks on.

She turns around, laughs and then Austin does the one thing I hoped not to see.

He kisses Beth. Right there, in the middle of the hallway, right in front of me. The adrenaline in my body is skyrocketing. If I were to go to the gym right now I would bench a PB.

Logan comes up to me and says, "Man, you lost her already? She's just like Lily, going for any guy she can get, must mean that I'm next."

I ignore him. I can see the Principal down the hallway, I can't cause any trouble now.

Beth looks at me and it looks like she doesn't have a care in the world.

Was it all meaningless to her? Is she one of those girls? Fuck Jake, obviously a girl as beautiful as Beth wouldn't just fall for you after a fucking kiss.

To me, it unfortunately meant something. Everything about it was powerful and I really thought that she also felt what I felt.

But it isn't visa versa.

Since when am I so vulnerable?

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