Chapter 6

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I look into Jake's eyes and I can see his confusion.

"I don't believe this for a second," he says.

"What?" I ask him.

"Fice wouldn't just put random words into a text. I would know, cause it's happened before," he says. That's true, it happened to me too. Fice literally told me that I'm going to be locked up in here, but I didn't listen.

"A normal person would type something like cuddle up lovelies, tonight's going to be a cold night, not a br-cold night. It's a clue, I swear, I just have no idea what," he says.

"Well, it has six r's. Maybe that's something?" I say and try to snuggle up even more. He has my hands intertwined in his and we're already starting to warm up a bit. It's so cold in here, I think the temperature is actually dropping.

"Maybe we should look through this place in hopes to find something," he says and I turn my head to look at him and he does the same. My mind goes completely blank when I realize how close his face is to mine. It's crazy the connection I feel with him, in the short time we've known each other. I've actually known him for a long time, but I just never made an effort. I didn't need to. Now, I can't see a way not to.

He comes even closer to my face and just as our foreheads were about to touch, thunder strikes hard and I quickly move backwards. I hate thunder. It brings back all the haunting memories.

"I'm extremely afraid of thunder," I say softly.

"Don't worry, it can't get us in here," he says, while he stands up and reaches his hand out for me to take. He pulls me up and we both start to look for ways to get out. I can barely move my legs in this cold temperature.

Were we going to kiss? What was happening a few moments ago? I look at him and he seems to be very interested in something over at the fish stand, I'm not going there, it probably reeks.

Six, six, six, six. The number is stuck in my head. Maybe I should also try to find something. I walk through the different food stands, trying to find something, but nothing catches my eye. I don't know for how much longer I can keep on walking. Everything feels numb and I'm freezing. I walk towards the wall, so that I can rest against it. The large door is right next to me.

"J-J-Jake?" I stutter and he looks towards me, he immediately comes over to me.

"Put this on," he says and takes off his only other jacket.

"N-n-no. I'm not cold," I say lying. I can't let him give it to me.

"Your lips are blue," he says, shivering. He looks at my lips and I look down to his.

"Yours too," I say and smile. He comes so close to me that our faces are only inches away from each other and my heart rate picks up like crazy. He puts his hands on my waist to pull me closer to him and we rest our foreheads against each other. I close my eyes to savor this moment and the next thing I know, his soft lips are kissing mine. I didn't expect to be breathless in this way.

He kisses me slowly and gently. It's comforting in a way that words cannot be.

He puts his one hand under my ear, as he caresses my cheek with his thumb. There's a new warmth spreading through my veins. I'm completely lost in the kiss.

We both pull away a bit, but when our eyes makes contact, we both know that it's going to happen again. This time when his lips meet mine, it's like my whole body lights on fire. I run my fingers through his hair as I kiss him back.

It's passionate, intense and wild.

It feels like all the problems I seemed to have just fell away within seconds and it shows me that every other kiss I've had in my life has been wrong. My back presses against the door and suddenly a super hard beeping alarm goes off. My brain cannot even function yet and now I already have to think of ways to shut this thing up.

I run around trying to find an off-switch, but I find nothing.

The beeping stops and I feel numb. Like my body can't function anymore. Only moments ago I felt on fire, but now I'm as cold as ice.

The door opens by itself. I look at Jake who's just staring at the door.

"Run," he says and takes my hand pulling me with him. "We're out," he says when we're eventually out of the shop. I look at him, then at my feet and before I can even speak, everything turns black.

Nothing but black.

Is this how she felt?

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