Chapter 15

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"Tell me. Just tell me, please," I beg my mom again.

Yesterday, Jake convinced me that I should just ask my mom. Last night while I was sleeping here, I couldn't help but have a little hope that my mom might just come into my room and start to apologize and explain, but that never happened.

So this morning, I made coffee for the both of us and I asked her nicely, to explain, but all she said was, "Bethany I want to, really, but I just can't."

So that's why I asked her again just now.

"If I could, I would," she says and puts her mug down. What is so bad that she can't just tell me already?

"Mom," I shout and tears shoot to my eyes.

"This is not easy for me Bethany," she says and I just keep getting madder and madder.

"Yeah, well neither for me. You keep pushing me away and you don't even care about me. Do you know what that feels like? Of course you don't. You had a loving mother and a working father, you even had siblings!" I shout because of anger.

"Don't yell at me like that," she says and looks down to the floor.

"I'm sorry, I just, I want a mother who actually loves me instead of just keeping secrets from me and not even asking me how my life is going," I say more calmly.

When she looks back up at me she says, "Bethany, I do love you. I really love you, sweetheart. I do care what happens to you. You know that day you came back after being missing for two weeks? The only reason I was mad was because you said that you were at the Fairylights Motel. Beth, that place is dangerous, trust me."

"Why would it be dangerous? It's the most beautiful place I have ever seen," I ask her.

I take a deep breath and say, "You could've at least said that you were happy to see me. Do you know how that felt? Feeling so unwanted by the only family member I have left? That's exactly why I went to Jake's house because they're just like family. By the way, did you know that Louise isn't mad at you at all? She's happy that you fired her because she got your dream job. She's a doctor now Mom. They're such nice people, I just wish that you could see that too. And what the heck Mom, you tied me to a freaking chair when I got here," I shout feeling that black hole in my heart grow and grow and grow.

"I only tied you to that chair, because I didn't want you to leave again. I wanted to know you're safe. And I know Beth, I spoke to Louise a few days ago. We're fine, but that Jake kid is trouble. He's the reason that you keep running away and disappearing and getting hurt," she says harshly.

"No, he's not, he's the only reason why I stay," I say and I can see my mom's eyes getting teary.

"I love him Mom, and nothing you say will ever change that."

"I see," she says.

I sit back down on the couch again, next to her.

"Mom, I'm so sorry," I apologize, realizing how rude I was.

"Bethany, darling, I want to tell you more than anything in the world, but I can't. At least not today. I will tell you soon honey, everything is just bad timing," she says and I nod my head.

She takes my hands in hers and she smiles.

"Thanks for understanding, it's been extremely tough lately to manage everything and not put a foot out of place," she says and I hug her. I'm just so thankful that she's speaking to me again.

"I love you," she says and I pull away from the hug. "I love you too," I say to her and smile.

The next day after school...

The last bell just rang and Jake and I decided to hang out at our school's cafeteria.

"Thanks," I say because he's buying us coffee.

He goes to order and I stay at the table.

I receive a message, so I unlock my phone.

Great, it's from Fice. For about three weeks Fice didn't bother me nor Jake. I thought it was over. Guess not.

I read it: Bethany, I just want to help you out. Look at this video, I'm just glad that I recorded this yesterday. I'm saving your ass, so a 'thank you' would be nice. - 🔥❄️

[ Video Attachment ]

I reply: I'm not going to watch this, I know you're planning something.

Fice texts back: You don't want to make me mad now, would you? I can see your every move. - 🔥❄️

Fice sends me pictures of me, from every corner of this cafeteria. This is creeping me out.

I open the video and start to watch it closely.

The video:

"I only said that I loved her, to break her heart in the end. I want to teach her a lesson. She just makes out with any guy, to be able to choose the one she wants in the end," Jake says to Samantha, Lily's ex-friend.

"You're so despicable. I like it," she says and steps closer to him.

"Now go and break her heart, or I will," she says in a serious voice.

The top that Jake's wearing in this video, is the same one he wore yesterday. I can't believe what I'm watching. They have to be talking about me, I mean he told me he loved me.

"Drop it, Sam, if she wants to make out with Austin right in front of me on purpose, there will be consequences. And on my own terms," he says to her.


Well, now I know they're talking about me. I have to get out of here, right now.

"Here's your coffee," he says in a fun voice.

I look at him with wide eyes, giving him the what-have-you-done-face. I'm beyond shocked and heartbroken.

"I trusted you," I say, wanting to cry.

"Bethany, what are you," he says confused.

"I actually do have so much love for you Jake. How could you do this to me?" I say with tears in my eyes and he comes closer to me.

"Don't. Don't you come near me. My mom was right," I say and start to walk backward.

"Beth, what do you mean? What happened?" he says looking confused.

"I'm going to walk away now. On my own terms. Don't. Follow. Me," I say copying his line from the video.

How could I even fall into his trap? I let my heart get shattered into a million pieces.

My phone pings and it's another message from Fice.

See? I just saved your ass. Oh, thank you Fice. Listen, Beth, I just want to help you. I've always just wanted to help you. We're so alike and that's exactly why I help you. We could be great friends -🔥❄️

I will never be Fice's friend, especially after what it had put me through. I'm not enjoying being gaslit by Fice. Fice wants to help me, my ass.

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