Chapter 12

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I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Jake. I move and rest my head on his shoulder and my nose touches his neck. It's obvious that he's still sleeping.

I smile, because I can't believe what happened last night. That kiss, was different, in a very good way.

I put my hand on his chest and then he starts to move a bit.

"Good morning," he says and I smile. I must look so terrible right now.

"Good morning," I say softly and he holds me tightly. He kisses me right next to my eye and in response, I give him a small kiss on his neck. He kisses me on my cheek and I kiss him on his jaw.

I wrap my arms around him. I have this taunting thought of losing him, like I'm losing everyone else I care about.

"Jake, I think we should just tell our parents already. Otherwise, this will just turn out like one of those situations in movies where they are very dumb for not telling their parents and everything just goes wrong."

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," he replies and I suddenly feel a rush of guilt spreading through my body. My mom still doesn't know where I am.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asks gently and brushes a strand of hair from my face with his hand.

"I don't...what am I going to tell my mom?" I ask.

"Maybe the truth," he states. He's right. He really is right.

"She doesn't even know about you and me, she's going to be furious that I've told her nothing," I say sadly.

"Hey," he says and kisses me on my forehead, "It's going to be just fine, don't worry."

It's a Monday morning, and everyone's going to school, which can only mean that rumors will spread.


Where is Jake? Why's he still not at school?

"Logan, Logan," Jane shouts when she approaches me.

"You heard right?" she asks excitedly.

"Yeah, I did," I say calmly.

"I'm so so happy, I missed Bethany so much," she says with a huge smile.

The whole clique comes over and stands behind Jane, but she doesn't notice.

"We all did," Skyler says. Jane turns around and immediately hugs Sky.

Last Friday, the girls, Cole and I sat together during break. Guess we're going to be one big group from now on. It used to be only Cole, Austin, Jake, and I.

Austin kind of left us for some other guys, but he comes and goes, like always. If he's not out partying, he's with us.

I keep wondering what is up with Jake. He's been acting strange lately. Does he also get threats from Fice?

"So we're going at two, when school comes out, right?" Sky asks.

"Yeah, she'll appreciate it," Cole replies.

We're all going to Bethany's house after school to welcome her home.

"Guys, we have nothing to give her," Nora says.

"Darling, our presence is enough," Brooklyn says and she starts to walk out of the cafeteria and we all follow her.

"Fiona?" Cole says confused and we all snap our heads in unison towards her.

She looks up from her smashed phone. How can she see on that thing?

"What happened?" he asks her. We're all cool with Fiona, she's a pretty fun person. She's always the one who will make you laugh in class. She doesn't look like she's having any fun right now, she looks devastated.

"Who did this to you Fiona?" he asks again and sits next to her. We all walk towards the table, where she's sitting at. We pretty much stand in a circle around her.

"I dropped it...uh... a few minutes ago..." she says shyly.

"Stop lying, you have a blue eye that says otherwise," he says to her.

"Damn it, Cole," she mutters.

"If you tell me I can fix it," he says in a way that leaves me thinking. He does care about her situation. We all care too, but not in the way he seems to.

"Fine. It was Sarah, you happy now?" she says and it makes me feel uneasy. Of course, a girl did this.

"What happened exactly?" Brooklyn asks.

Fiona realizes that Cole isn't the only one who cares about her, so she explains.

"You know how Lily used to say these rude things to her? The fat-shaming, the before and after diet pictures that look exactly the same, and the videos of her dancing. Well, I always felt sorry for her, so now that Lily isn't here to threaten me, I tried to help Sarah. Not help, but I told her that everyone thinks she's beautiful and that she changed. In a good way. I showed her a quote on my phone and then she punched me in the face, took my phone, threw it on the ground, and then she jumped on it. It doesn't work anymore."

"Fiona," Jane says and hugs her. "Okay, Jane, um," Nora says and pulls her away.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Cole asks her and takes her hand. Okay bro, now I'm sure. So sure. He likes her.

"Hey, she could join us on our little adventure," I say just to stop this thing going on in front of me.

"Stop being so sarcastic," Brooklyn says and shoots me a glare.

"Yeah, it's only a visit, not an adventure," Jane says stupidly and laughs.

"Okay, enough talk for now, don't you think?" Nora asks Jane. She just huffs and crosses her arms.

"Fine," Jane answers.

"Okay, Fiona is coming with us," Skyler states, and the bell rings for class.

2 hours later...

We arrive in front of Bethany's house and I'm very excited to see what her reaction is going to be.

"Remember, look extra happy. Especially you Nora," Jane says, she's kind of mad at Nora for shushing her at the cafeteria earlier.

"On three we open the door and shout okay?" Sky says.

"Okay," we all agree.

"One, two, three," she shouts and we burst in through the door.

Out of every reaction I had pictured in my head. This was not the one planned.

"Bethany!" Sky shouts as tears run down Bethany's cheeks. Everyone stays in their position, including Sky. No one is running towards Beth. We can't.

"What the fuck Jake?" I shout. "Stop cursing," Jane says softly. I give her a look she doesn't like and fixate my eyes back on the scene in front of me.

"Guys, shut up," Cole says and we all look at Jake.

Bethany is in the middle of the room tied up to a chair and Jake is right next to her, holding another piece of rope.

He looks beyond shocked and I can tell Beth wants to shout, but she can't. There's duct tape over her mouth.

What did we just walk into?

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