Chapter 40

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As I open my eyes I feel an insane headache clinging onto me.

Why am I in bed with Logan?

He's still asleep holding me tightly.

How did I get here? How did I end up in bed with him?

The last thing I can remember is being at the club partying next to Fiona, watching her jump up and down, everyone singing loudly together.

Did I get drunk? What am I doing in bed next to Logan of all people? I thought he left the club early with Jake.

So many questions for a throbbing head.

I feel so comfortable in his embrace, but yet so scared of what might have happened last night.

"You're awake," Logan says with a raspy voice. I look at him with admiring eyes. He's so cute in the morning. His messy hair, raspy voice, and sweet smile almost make me forget about the headache.

"What are you doing in my bed, Logan? I'm terrified. Honestly," I say kind of joking, kind of not joking.

"You seduced me don't you remember?" he says and my heart drops.

"I'm just kidding Beth. Fice spiked you last night and you were extremely drunk. Fiona brought you here and I put you to bed," he says.

"This is so embarrassing," I say looking for my dress.

"You don't remember anything?" he asks me with a frown on his face.

"Nothing. All I remember is dancing next to Fiona and then nothing," I say and he looks at me with a worried expression.

"Fiona couldn't have spiked you and Briley's drinks, could she?" he asks me.

"She would never do that. Sky was the one who gave us our drinks. Wait, where's Briley? Was she spiked too?" I ask him.

"Yes, she had it worse than you," he says.

"She always does," I say sadly. 

"Hey come here," Logan says and I sit on the bed next to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"It's going to be okay. She's fine, don't worry. Cole and Sky took her to the hospital because she had alcohol poisoning," he says and I feel a bit more relaxed, knowing that Briley is cared for.

"Where's Jake?" I ask. I remember Jake leaving with him.

"He's sleeping in my room. I left him a text saying that he should go home through the window and just tell his parents that he slept over at my place. Don't worry I got him sobered up," he tells me.

"Thank you, Logan, for literally everything," I say. He holds me tightly so that I stay in his embrace.

"One thing stresses me out," he says softly.

"What?" I ask closing my eyes for a moment while just feeling his strong arms around my body.

"Fiona dropped you off saying she was in a hurry to the hospital to be with Cole, but she lied, she never went. You're saying she danced next to you? That all seems very sketchy," he says and it makes sense. "Oh and guess who showed up at the hospital? Maya. She was there to check if Briley was okay, but she told Cole that she spoke to you apparently."

"Wait Maya was with Briley?" I say in panic.

"Don't worry Cole and Sky got rid of her. Beth, Fice tied you up to a tree last night, I don't know if you remember that," he says and I'm in shock.

"How? Was no one with me while I was drunk?" I ask terrified.

"I let you take a bath and waited for you in the TV room, but I was calling Cole and heard Maya say she just spoke to you so I ran to the bathroom. When I got there the water was stained red and you were gone. I eventually found you tied up to a tree. Listen, Fice took this photo of you, and look at the text she sent me," he says and shows me Fice's text.

"Not again," I say and huff.

"Hey, calm down. I'm not Jake. I'm not your friends. I won't let this control my life. I wanted to ask for your permission to post this myself. I want to put it on Instagram along with the text from Fice to enlighten everyone about this person taunting us. You look sexy in it too so, I wouldn't be mad if I were you," he says winking at me. 

"I think it's a great idea," I say thanking him. This means more to me than he'll ever know.

"You know what wasn't a great idea? Kissing Briley just because you thought I had a hickey. You're messed up," I say smiling.

"It's not my fault and I did apologize to you about that last night," he says.

"Oh, I would absolutely love to hear that again," I say joking with him.

"I don't really do the apology thing, sorry," he says. Ironic.

"I really need some painkillers," I say holding my head.

"Stay here, I'll go get you some pills. Where's the medicine cabinet?" he asks sweetly.

"Down the hallway to your left," I answer him. "Also, Logan, post that on Instagram right now, because then Fice won't have any leverage on you anymore."

He agrees and grabs his phone before walking out of the room.

I text Briley asking if she's okay and then I see Logan's post on Instagram. The photo isn't bad and now everyone will know just how badly we are being controlled by Fice.

Speaking of, why was Logan so skeptical about Fiona? Briley's drink was also spiked and she didn't stand near Fiona. And maybe she just wanted to go home. I would think Sky would have more of a motive, Briley and I both kissed the guy she likes. Still doesn't make it a valid motive though.

I scroll through Instagram for twenty minutes and suddenly remember the painkillers.

"Logan?" I shout.

"Coming," I hear him say just before he enters the room, holding a whole tray of breakfast.

"You deserve this," he says and I give him my biggest smile.

The tray has water and painkillers, coffee, a bowl of fresh-cut fruit, and eggs on toast with bacon.

"Logan," I breathe in awe, "You didn't have to do all this."


I can't take this anymore.

Sky and Cole shutting me out last night when one of my closest friends was in the hospital because of Fice was the last straw.

I'm done being controlled by Fice.

I'm done with everyone thinking I am Fice just because we coincidentally have the same birth name. The only reason I haven't been arrested for Fice's crimes yet is because the police do not have any proof. After all, IT IS NOT ME.

Fice has made it impossible to tell anyone that I'm not Fice, but I'm done.

I go back to the hospital. It's currently eight in the morning.

I want my best friends back. My life is extremely lonely.

I enter the hospital and see Cole and Sky still sitting there.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys that I am not Fice? I want to know if Briley is okay," I say.

"I'll go in with you," Cole says. He has always been a sweetheart.

We go in and see Fiona inside the room with Briley, putting a huge blue get-well-soon basket next to Briley's hospital bed while she's asleep.

"Fiona, what are you doing?" I say confronting her.

"I can explain," she says and Cole steps towards her and checks the basket. He takes out a note, reads it, and shows it to me. The note says:

Get well soon Briley, oh the plans I still have for you and your poor Logan-obsessed sister -🔥❄️

"I told you I wasn't Fice," I say to Cole and he clenches his fists.

"It's not what it looks like," Fiona says and when she wants to say something again, Cole steps right in front of her.

"Look me dead in the eyes and tell me you are not Fice," Cole says and Fiona flashes a sly smile.

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