Chapter 27

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"What game?" I say and my eyes starts to water.

"Mom, how can he text? He's in prison? Please tell me he's in prison!" Briley shouts and she gets hysterical.

"We're going to the police," she says.

"Mom, it's not that easy," I tell mom.

"How can you say that! He's out to get me Beth," Briley says in panic.

"I just got a message from Fice. I'll show you: If your plan is to go to the police, I recommend not doing that. You could obviously choose not to listen to my recommendation, but we don't want more car accidents, now do we?" I read to them.

"We're walking," Briley says.

"Briley, you don't understand what Fice can do. Please don't test it," I try to convince her. I don't want her to get stuck in a freezer. I don't want her getting hurt in any way.

"I don't care," she spats and grabs her raincoat.

"Okay, so you want to end up dying in a freezer?" I ask her with an attitude.

"Fice isn't out to get me, it's out to get you and Jake," she says. 

"Do what you want," I say sadly.

"You can't stop me even if you wanted to. Roger is way worse than Fice. So whatever happens, I'm used to it," she says, looks at Mom and mom actually agrees.

Briley could be right though, Fice hates me, not her. Briley walks out into the rain and I give her a small smile.

"Mom we shouldn't let her go alone," I say.

"I know, I'm driving there. If Fice gets to Briley, I will get to the police. If Fice gets to me, Briley is safe. Fice can only be at one place at once right?" she says.

"Mom no, Fice is always more than just Fice. It forces other people to work for it," I say. I can't lose them.

"I'm going Beth, don't worry, everything will be okay," she says with confidence. I'm not so sure if everything is going to be okay. I'm so scared.

She kisses me on my cheek and grabs her keys. Next thing I know, she's driving off.

I walk up to my room and I see that it's already five in the afternoon. I am tired. This week is so tiring. We have to stop Fice, it's taking all my energy that i'm supposed to be using to study.

I suddenly feel a rush of adrenaline shooting through my veins.


I know we agreed not to drive dad's car but maybe I should. I need to save her if she's in trouble, but what if Fice crashes into me again?

A sudden series of loud knocks on the door disturbs my planning. I freeze in position. I literally can't move. Is it Fice?

Three loud knocks follows the previous ones. Then another two. My feet is stuck to the ground.

The person, who is at the door, starts to shake it crazily. The adrenaline in my bloodstream pushes me downstairs and I grab a large knife in the kitchen. I don't even care if I injure Fice, I want to, very badly. I am going to start protecting myself, Jake and Briley.

I freeze until I hear a pleading voice, "Beth please."

It's Jake. I open the door and there he is with small tears in his eyes.

"Jake," I breathe as I embrace him.

"You're okay," he says relieved. "Wait Beth, could you please put that down."

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