Chapter 8

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I'm in my favorite class, drama.

We're even performing, or well, improvising the modern version of Romeo and Juliet. Our teacher is explaining the depth of the story and the chemistry between Romeo and Juliet.

Jake and Austin are both in this class with me, how awkward.

Every time my eyes catches his, my whole body fills with guilt and sadness. The memory of this morning plays over and over in my head. It felt wrong, so wrong, all of it. When Austin kissed me, I couldn't help but picture him as Jake, maybe that's why I actually kissed him back.

A blush creeps onto my cheeks as I recall Jake's kiss. It's something that I will never forget. The feeling he gives me can't be replaced. I wonder if he feels the same, but obviously after what happened today, he probably doesn't.

My heart broke when I saw Jake's hurt expression. I wanted to melt into the wall.

"...and Bethany," the teacher, Miss Miller says.

"Sorry?" I ask confused. I didn't really concentrate on what she was saying. I can feel Jake's eyes on me and I feel so embarrassed.

"You're going to be Juliet, but only for this class. Every class, we're choosing someone else."

"Oh okay, sorry," I say.

"Wait, who's going to be playing Romeo?" I ask.

"Bethany, next time listen when I speak please. Jake will be playing Romeo," she says and my heart sinks into my stomach. This is going to be the worst drama class of my life.

I get on stage with him, I just hope that the bell will ring any moment. This is way too intense.

"You're going to express your love to one another with a minimum use of words," Miss Miller says.

"And action," Fiona shouts. She's always the one in charge. She's very nice though, we've been in the same drama group several times now.

Jake and I look each other in the eye and I feel a strong unease in my body. He holds his hand up in the air, almost like he wants a high five. His face doesn't show any emotion. The teacher taught us earlier that this is a movement that shows love to one another. He actually listened when she spoke.

I put my hand gently against his and I just can't look him in the eye. It's impossible. The guilt is eating me alive. The touch of his hand sends butterflies to my stomach and I just look at our hands to try and get this feeling away.

"Look at him, it's such a beautiful moment," Miss Miller whispers. When I look up at him he holds his straight face and so do I.

"I love you," he says emotionless and without any meaning.

I jerk my hand back, "Miss Miller I'm sorry, but I can't do this."

"Yeah, Austin should do it with you," Logan says. I hate him for saying that, because when he does, Jake storms off-stage and walks out of the class.

"Okay then, Austin, please take his place," Miss Miller says.

He joins me on stage. He's full of confidence, while I feel like the biggest asshole on earth.

"Juliet, words cannot say the things that I feel inside, so why don't I just show you," he says and I'm shocked in my place. Everything happens so quickly when he pulls me in and kisses me. In front of this whole class. I can hear gasps and people saying 'aw' and the teacher saying how powerful our act is.

I'm powerless. I can't stop this. This is my life and I can't control it. Not anymore.

Fice is in control.

Austin pulls away from the kiss and I feel so dead on the inside. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom. I take my bag with me, just in case I want to leave. I can't help but start crying. I take out my phone and message Fice:

Do what you want, okay? I don't give a damn. I'm telling Jake the truth, that you forced me into kissing Austin by threatening to give the suicide letter written to him to the police.

Fice messages back after one minute:

That's cute, but I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you tell him, just remember there's no limits to what I can do to you -🔥❄️

I message back:

Yeah like what?

Fice sends me a video and I watch it. It's Austin and I kissing in the play. I get it. I know why Fice sent me this. If I tell Jake that Fice forced Austin and I to kiss in front of him, then Fice will send this video to Jake. We didn't have to kiss in the play. He wasn't even there to see it.

The video was not taken with a phone, you can clearly see from the height, that it was taken with a school security camera. There's one in every class.

I feel such a strong hatred towards Fice, I can't even control this anger anymore. I lift up my heavy bag and throw it out of the bathroom and into the hallway.

When I have finally calmed down I walk out into the hallway.

"Jake," I say when I see him punching the wall. There is already blood running down on his arm.

When he sees me I softy say, "You don't deserve this and I really don't deserve you Jake."

"You're right," he says and my heart feels raw.

The next thing I know, I'm out of the school. I'm out of the town. I'm running and not planning to stop.


One week later...

It's been seven days and she's still missing.

She just disappeared and no one knows where she is. Some says she committed suicide, others say she's been kidnapped and the police has no idea.

How could she say she doesn't deserve me? What did I do to let her think that?

She left me a note seven days ago. It was in my pencil case and I read it in class.

She explained how Fice forced her and Austin together and how she's not allowed to tell me. She only kissed Austin because she was trying to protect me from going to jail.

I wish I could just tell the police about Fice, then all of this would be over, but Fice already thought everything through and already sent me more threats. When will this person ever stop?

I saw the hurt in her eyes when we performed Romeo and Juliet. She couldn't even look at me.

Did Fice kill Bethany? Did Fice kidnap Bethany? Where is she?

I need her.

I miss her.

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I love you all :)

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