Chapter 44

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I guess I am finally being evacuated out of the motel.

Oh, dear Beth and Briley, our mother messed this one up on her own. Escaping the mental institution, big mistake. Me leaving her hair on my pillow, no mistake.

I've been wearing the wig for so long now, that the hairs are starting to fall out. I can't get a new one now though, everyone will notice.

I'm a genius. When Beth and Briley's dad was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago, our mother donated her hair. She had very long, brown hair, but she cut it short to donate. They made a wig out of it to give to someone with cancer...guess who made sure to get it before anyone else could? Now I'm leaving her DNA everywhere I go.

Her escape was fortunately timed perfectly with the police finding the hair on the bed.

My childhood mother finally caught onto the news. I was waiting very impatiently for this. She realized that it must be me torturing everyone related to Hailey and her children. I disappeared out of the house months ago. I took nothing, except money. A lot of money, that's how I bought all my equipment, but still it wasn't enough.

She planned Hailey's escape from the mental hospital. My childhood mom, Carly, went to visit Hailey a couple of times in the mental institution. She tried to explain everything. Poor Hailey was in shock, but that's what she deserves. They rented a small place, a few miles out of town. That's exactly where I am right now.

I'm hiding in my minivan, behind the big oak trees.

Earlier I put microphones on the window sill so that I could hear everything from the van.

Carly is telling her everything about me.

When she says my real name out loud, I feel a strong sense of pain and sorrow in my veins. Hearing her say my name like I am her child. She has never once, not even once, treated me like her child. She treated me like Hailey's little garbage baby.

I will never be Maya Wilson. I will never be the sweet little girl I was at four years old. I will never be able to get rid of the scars on my body because of my abusive childhood father. I will never be able to get rid of the memory of my mother hitting me with a glass bottle, shattering the glass into my flesh, me taking the glass out piece by piece making myself bleed to unconsciousness, and waking up to my father yelling at me for laying in his way with him kicking my stomach to make me move. I won't ever get back the childhood I lost to little, blonde twin girls splashing in their pool as I escaped my house with my little bike that I had grown out years ago.

I was never able to laugh like they did when they swung on their swing set for the first time. I was never able to enjoy myself like when the twins ate the cookies Hailey baked for them while playing with their new set of Barbies, while I was riding my bike past their window to peek, because my dad had just broken my foot. I could barely ride the bike as tears filled my eyes and my foot still managed to force the bike to move.

I never had a father who kissed me goodnight and told me bedtime stories. I had a father who once tried to suffocate me to sleep with my own pillow. I had a father who drank himself to sleep and hit his loving wife with a frying pan over the head when she didn't want to give him more alcohol.

All of that and much, much more, made me who I am today.

I want all the revenge I could ever get. Briley and Bethany lived the life that I was supposed to have.

Nothing can stop me now. Everything is going exactly to plan. To my plan.

I own my own life now. I am living for revenge.

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