Chapter 11

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Jake's mom walks towards me, she probably heard me crying. She sits next to me on the floor and I cry on her shoulder.

"Honey, it's okay. Sometimes my husband can be a little intimidating but don't worry about him. We understand your situation, darling," his mom says.

No one understands my situation, no one. How dare she say that.

Jake kneels next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. He then whispers, or well try to whisper to his mom, "Mom, she just found out about Maya, it's not Dad."

"Oh honey," his mom says and throws her arms around me, "Everything is going to be just fine. It's not your fault, okay? Her death is a private case, so they haven't revealed much information about anything. It'll be okay darling."

I can't take this guilt anymore. The more she speaks, the more it grows.

I turn to look at Jake and he wraps his arms around me. I can't stop these endless tears. He holds me tightly and whispers, "It's okay. I'm here for you."

I pull away a bit and look him in the eyes. He just saw my ugly cry.

He puts his hand on my neck and says, "She wouldn't want you to cry, Beth."

I quickly jump up with all my power and while I sprint to the door I say, "She would."

I unlock the door so quickly and when the wind touches my face, Jake grabs my arm from behind. Why can't he just let me go? Why is he still trying to help me, doesn't he get that nothing can fix this tragic mess?

He pulls me closer to him.

"Please Jake, let me go," I whisper.

"No, Beth. Don't you get it? You're not the reason for Maya's death. You were with me in the hospital when she died."

"And what if I am the reason, would you still be holding me like this?" I ask him.

"Yes. Nothing can change my mind," he says convincing.

I hug him, just to be able to whisper in his ear, "Fice killed Maya because of me Jake, Fice told me that it would blame Maya's death on me. Fice killed Maya just to have the option to blame it on me if I messed up. And I did. Fice got mad at me because it didn't know where I was, so now it's gonna blame her death on me. At first, I didn't think that Fice could actually kill someone, so I thought that Fice would just threaten me with Maya but turns out, it was serious."

"It's not your fault," he says.

"Are you deaf Jake? Fice killed Maya just to be able to blame it on me."

"Bethany, the police are smarter than this. They'll know it's a set-up. Remember, you didn't actually kill Maya. Fice did, so it's their problem. Not yours, okay?" he says softly as he strokes my hair.

I fall into his arms as I break down and cry. He just has this way of comfort that gets to me. He's right though, I'm not the reason, Fice is.

"I'm sorry for um interrupting, but it's getting kind of late so I was just wondering if I should drive you home?" his mom asks me.

"No, it's fine, thank you Mrs. Reed, but I'll walk," I say and start to walk through the door.

I walk down the steps outside their house and Jake says from behind, "I know you're not going home."

"Stay here for tonight, you can go home tomorrow," he says.

His mom comes from behind and says, "Yes anytime darling. You can make yourself at home. You can go for a nice shower, I will make you two something to eat and we have a spare bedroom too."

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