Chapter 42

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"I'm numb Briley. I don't even know how to live anymore," I confess to Briley as I change gears.

"And all of this happened at home?" she asks me kind of confused.

"Yes," I say driving with tears in my eyes. I had to pick Briley up from the hospital.

Maya called me, and even though it's awkward between us, she explained everything to me.

The group decided to get together at Skyler's house. We need to discuss a lot of stuff.

As I held Briley's hand in the hospital I realized once again how much Fice has hurt us, it puts a sense of rage into my soul.

"Jake is right you know. Fice hates me and you for having the life she could've had. Jake was just used by Fice to break my heart, but he was the one getting hurt the most when we actually fell in love. His torture is all my fault," I say.

"Beth, please. What Fice does is not in your hands. You could've never known," she says looking at me seriously.

"But I do now. It's just not fair to be with him anymore. That's why I broke up with him Briley. I'm the reason for all his hurt. I hurt him by loving him. I need to let him go, but it's so hard when I'm still in love with him and he keeps fighting for me," I say taking a left turn.

"Well, Fice did say on those cookies that the games are over so maybe Fice finally decided enough was enough?" she suggests.

"No, that meant that she's not playing little games anymore. She's planning on ruining us Bree," I say. It's been so long since I've called her that.

"How will she do that?" Briley asks scared.

"She won't do anything, because we will stop her before she has the time to even think of a master plan," I say confidently.

We arrive at Sky's house and enter the open door.

Everyone is sitting around the table with a notepad each, and also a lot of pens in the middle.

"Hey girls," Sky greets us as we enter.

"Briley, are you okay?" Jane asks sweetly.

"Yes, I'm totally fine. I think it was traumatic shock that kept me in there, rather than the alcohol poisoning," Briley tells them.

"We're just glad that you're here and okay," Nora says smiling at both of us.

"Beth, did Logan stay with you through the night?" Fiona asks.

"Yeah, thanks for driving me home and telling him to take care of me, he was really sweet," I say sadly.

"Okay, we surely know then that Logan isn't Fice. Ladies, scrap him off," Fiona says and they all scratch his name on their notepads.

"Alright. This is no joke. Since the police can't find anything, we're making it our mission to find the bitch. We have every single suspect on this notepad and we'll sit here until we crack the code alright. We're not protecting one another. Fice could be with us in the room, we already know how secretive she is, so it could be any of us as well," Sky says and Briley and I find our spots around the table. Nobody else is at her house, just us, without the boys.

"Sky, what if Fice has some kind of listening device on us? Or what if she hacked our phones to listen to us?" Brooklyn asks.

"Well, then the bitch can listen and stress about how we are finding out his or her identity within the next few minutes and how we are going ruin their life," Sky answers and we all smile.

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