Chapter 16

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It's been four weeks since I saw that video. Four weeks since I last spoke to Jake. It's impossible to move on, but I know it was fake, this whole thing. Everything he had said, every time we had kissed. Everything was a lie.

He has tried at least seventeen times, in these past weeks, to talk to me, but I can't even look at him. Seeing his confused, sad face makes me want to run away again and never return. I will never forgive him for this. I believed him when he said that he loved me.

The way his eyes sparkled with happiness when he said those three words. The way he looked at me like I was royalty. The way he always made me smile. It convinced me that he loved, or at least liked me.

Well, on the other hand, the more positive hand, it's almost winter break. Christmas is right around the corner. It's already the 11th of December.

In my attempt to walk to my locker, I see Jake. Can't he just go away?

Jake and I had made a promise before the video. We promised that we won't ever follow Fice's orders again, no matter what it threatens us with, because it only splits us up. So I know that this is all him. Him and Samantha.

He knows fair well that Austin was just another Fice set-up so why would he take it to heart?

Jake walks closer to me, but I turn around and walk a few steps forward, away from him. I stop and turn around again to look back at him. If he wants to apologize, then he's too late. He looks at me, opens his mouth like wants to say something, and then closes it again. He looks down at his phone and he starts typing. Is he typing something for me?

"I missed you yesterday," I hear Sam say and then she appears from around the corner.

Missed him? Are they a thing now?

It's funny. Just moments ago I thought my heart was broken. Compared to how I feel now, that was nothing.

I walk around the corner, to be able to hide and still look at their conversation.

"You did it," I hear Sam say, but I can barely hear anything with everyone else making so much noise.

"What?" he asks her with an irritated look.

"You broke Bethany's heart..." Sam says but I can't hear the rest of the sentence because some freshman guy bumped into me.

"It's fine," I say to him after he says 'Sorry'.

"I love you," I hear Sam say and my vision becomes blurry.

Jake moves so close to Sam, that even I am getting uncomfortable. There's almost no space between them. He whispers something to her, and I just can't hear a thing.

"The feeling's mutual," she says with a smile and puts her hands on his chest. She moves her head so close to his, that I'm too scared to look. I know they're kissing.

Whatever kind of hope I still had left, about Fice setting this up, is now gone.

Did he say he loves her? Is that why she said "The feeling's mutual"?

"Mr Reed, please. This isn't allowed in the school building," the principal tells Jake. Yep, I knew it. They were kissing. I'm just glad that I looked away. Otherwise, I would've had even more nightmares.

The bell rings and that signals for drama class.

I used to love drama, it was my favorite subject, but Jake, Logan, and Austin are in this class with me. It's not easy to ignore them. Except, Logan and I are pretty chill. Our whole clique, boys and girls, have been sitting together at some lunches. But sometimes Jake, Logan, and Cole will go and sit somewhere else. Everyone knows that Jake and I aren't really on speaking terms, but they don't know why.

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