Chapter 30

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Out of instinct, I grab a big knife on the kitchen counter. Max steps in front of me, but I push him to be in front of Beth. He gives me a questioning look and I nod at him. I can protect myself. And after everything this bitch in the Smirf disguise put me through, I actually want to hurt it so bad.

"Bitch," I mumble at this blue figure in front of me.

"So you figured out I was a girl huh?" Fice says back, in a girly robot voice.

Fice is a girl.

"Who are you," I ask with a very shaky voice. The fact that a girl was capable of everything that had happened baffles me.

For a moment Fice is quiet, she stares me dead in the eye.

Fice laughs and as she laughs all the lights in our house explode. Max grabs Beth and holds her tightly. I just freeze in place with the knife pointing towards the space where Fice stood. I can't see a single thing.

"Briley," Fice whispers right in my ear and I instantly swing the knife in that same direction but Fice is just gone. 

"Snaps is the name of the game," Fice says. I know where this is going. I haven't played this in years. The last time I played this, I was at Lily's house.

"Listen to me Briley, I will reveal myself to you, but don't move," Fice says in a strict voice. Fice is so close to me, that it's sending shivers up my spine. I don't trust this psycho for one second.

Fice snaps her fingers 3 times.

"Look I won't make this easy for you," Fice says. Fice sounds scared. What is happening? I'm focusing so hard to be able to figure this out. This game is tough when you haven't played it in years.

"You have to figure this out on your own," Fice says to me.

I can't believe she's Fice. I should've known.

I start laughing. I'm not scared of this bitch anymore.

"Briley, what's going on?" Bethany says fearfully. Max looks at me with a very confused and worried expression on his face.

"You can stop holding her, okay," I say to Max. "Fice can't do anything to you," I say with a slight smile.

"Briley, are you okay? What game was that?" Beth whispers to me.

I'm feeling superior. I know I'm stronger than her. Especially after everything I've been through.

"Briley, who is Fice?" Beth says with a very uncertain voice.

"Don't you worry, she's my problem now," I answer confidently.

I walk up to where I see Fice's shadow.

I drop the knife to the ground. I want to beat her, weaponless.

"She's insane," I hear Max say to Beth. Ouch.

Suddenly someone yanks me back, hard. Max.

"Stop it. You don't understand. It was her, all along. Pathetic," I say with my crazy eyes and totally out of breath.

"Briley stop. You're out of your mind. We all know what Fice is capable of," Max says and pulls me to his chest. "Look at me," he says while putting his hands on my cheeks. "Let me keep you safe, trust me please, at least this one time. I can't let anything happen to you," he says and I give in.

"Shut up. This is truly disgusting. Look at your useless sister Briley. You decide to have a romantic moment while your sister is in trouble," Fice says. 

Fice holds both her hands around Beth's throat. How stupid are we? We have a killer in our house and we act like nothing's happening. Or at least I did, this is my fault.

I break out of Max's embrace and when I walk towards Fice I shout, "You fucking psychopath. I should've known, you've been psycho all your life."

"Oh honey, I'm doing this for you. You know I've always chosen you over Beth," Fice says and strengthens her grip around Beth's neck. "Come any closer and I will choke her to death," Fice spats.

"Stop!" I shout nervously. Even though I know who Fice is, it doesn't change the fact that Fice is dangerous and capable of insane stunts.

"This is your revenge, Briley. She did this to you, didn't she? She was cuddling up to Jake while I was strangling you against the tree. It's only fair game. I'm letting you have your moment now," Fice says.

"You're a maniac. Leave. My sister. Alone. Or you're the one who will get strangled," I threaten Fice. I'm done with her shit. Funny how that's the same words I said to myself a few years ago.

She starts choking Beth even worse so I run over to them and as I swing my leg up towards Fice's face, she grabs my foot and throws me to the ground. Why hasn't Beth tried escaping yet?

"Beth, go!" I shout to her from the ground.

"I can't!" She shouts out of fear and I see that she's tied up to the kitchen counter's pole.

As Fice comes over I kick her hard in the stomach. She fell backward and hit her head against the cupboard. I'm getting crazy deja vu.

"Fuck," she whispers in that stupid robot voice while touching the blood on her head.

I stand up with trembling legs. Her head is bleeding. I can see it through the stupid mask.

I don't know if I should feel satisfied about what I just did or if I should feel stressed.

"You asked for this Briley," Fice says out of breath.

"What?" I mumble while untying Beth.

"Oh, nothing. Hey, babe, you can come in now," Fice says standing up. What is happening?

"Max!" Beth shouts from behind me.

Another blue figure grabs Max from behind and holds a knife in front of his throat and his other hand on his mouth.

"Ah!" I shout as I suddenly feel a very sharp pain in my neck. Fice just stabbed a needle in me. Is this the part where I die?

Again, the deja vu.

I feel very numb like I don't care about anything or anyone anymore.

The next thing I see is Beth punching Fice through the face and the needle being removed. But everything after that is quite hazy.

Three Fices? Another Fice grabs Beth and forces something in her mouth and ties her to a chair as I lay on the ground numbing away by the second. This is how I felt last time. How I felt when Roger took me. They're taking me again.

"Bethany, you wanna see who this Fice is?" the third Fice says to Beth. Beth struggles in the chair trying to get out.

The third Fice walks over to the Fice holding Max and removes the mask of that person.

What the f-

"That was not the deal," Jake says with a look of shock on his face. He looks at Beth full of guilt. Was Jake Fice? In love with Beth my ass.

The hurt on Bethany's face is something I've never seen before. It's raw. It's dangerous.

"Deal's off handsome," Lily says removing her mask as the other Fice appears before me and I completely black out.

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This chapter was so crazy my heart was racing as I wrote it, so yeah I hope you enjoyed it! My secrets are out now. I can't wait for the next chapter ♥

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